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American diplomat named countries that Russia could capture – UNIAN

The appetites of the Russian dictator are growing. Several European countries may become potential victims.

The diplomat called Putin’s “potential victims” / REUTERS

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin will not limit himself to a war against Ukraine. He may try to take over other countries, including NATO members.

This was stated by American diplomat Robert Pearson in an article on The Hill.

According to the diplomat, Putin is trying to return to the borders of the Russian Empire. To do this, he needs to achieve control over a number of European countries.

Pearson noted that Putin’s list of potential victims includes not only Estonia, Latvia i Lithuaniabut also Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria i Moldova.

“We know that if Putin survives, he will do everything possible to increase the Russian military presence as far in the West as possible. He will push Minsk to become more subservient to Moscow and make the presence of Russian troops semi-permanent, as in Syria and Kazakhstan. He will increase activities in Kaliningrad and along the Russian Baltic borders as a weapon of intimidation for the Baltic NATO, Poland and Germany,” the diplomat said.

Pearson noted that Putin is interested in creating a frozen conflict in Ukraine.

The diplomat believes that the main task of NATO is to decide on a new security system for Europe after the end of the Russian war against Ukraine. At the same time, he emphasized that sanctions against Russia will not be a victory for the United States or the Alliance if they do not motivate Putin to withdraw his troops from Ukraine. In this case, Europe and the US should understand that it is not enough to “play defensively.”

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Earlier, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that now everyone is only thinking what to do if Russia will move further into Europe.

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