Home » today » Entertainment » ‘Amelie’ returns to theaters and the debate returns: do you love her or do you hate her? – Good morning, Javi and Mar!

‘Amelie’ returns to theaters and the debate returns: do you love her or do you hate her? – Good morning, Javi and Mar!

This 2021 is full of premieres in movie theaters and there are hundreds of films that had to postpone their premiere until this year due to the coronavirus health crisis. But not all are premieres, great classics return to the cinema! Movie lovers of the 80s have been able to enjoy the large screen projection of films such as ‘The Goonies’ or ‘The Princess Bride’ and it has also become fashionable to re-screen sagas such as ‘Harry Potter’ or the films starring the most famous hobbits in literature and cinema ‘The Lord of the Rings’.

One of the films that returns to the big screen is Amelie: the center of the debate among moviegoers! You don’t have to go very far to realize that it is a movie that awakens both love and ‘distance’ among those who see it. You love her? You hate her? The film of Jean-Pierre Jeunet turns 20. It was released in 2001 and continues to be a reference film for the ‘dreamers’ who fell into the networks of this young woman’s nostalgia and illusion. But … is everyone a fan of the movie?

‘Amelie’, the film that generates debate

The topic of discussion always revolves around whether Amelie is a cult film or if it was elevated despite being “a tostón”, as Javi Nieves says, who is a firm detractor of the film. Where there is no debate is in its soundtrack: “It’s spectacular.” Yann Tiersen created a setlitst of impressive songs that have gone down in history as “Amelie’s Waltz”, a piece that is heard in different ways throughout the entire film.

And you? Are you a lover or detractor of the movie ‘Amelie’? Do you think it is a work of art or a tostón?

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