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Amazing discovery on the moon. The Chinese showed what the probe found – o2

Chang’e 5 is the first Chinese space mission to collect and bring back to Earth new samples of lunar rock and soil. The probe landed on December 1, 2020 at 23:11 Beijing time near the Mons Rümker region. Soon after, it started work that continues to this day.

Amazing discovery on the moon

On January 7, 2022, in a research article in the journal Science Advances, researchers shared a groundbreaking discovery – traces of water were found on the moon.

A team of researchers from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS) analyzed images and data captured by the Chang’e 5 lander. They show that lunar soil contains about 120 grams of water per tonne of soil. A spectrometer was used for the tests optical emission with spark excitation. Spectrometers are used to analyze the elemental composition of the samples taken.

Scientists have found that most of the particles come from the Moon’s shallower layers. They were created thanks to the solar wind that brought hydrogen with it. Only some of the water comes from deeper layers. The researchers emphasize, however, that the samples were obtained using the in situ method, which is of limited capacity. It is therefore likely that there is more water on the moon.

Research on the presence of water on the moon has been much more intensive recently. This is related to plans to build manned stations on the lunar surface.


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