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always follow your doctor’s advice

Drugs that regulate thyroid malfunction could cause mild to severe side effects in predisposed individuals. It is always a good idea to avoid “do it yourself” and strictly follow the advice of a doctor.

Thyroid bonus (photo from the web)

The thyroid, a very important gland for the proper functioning of the human body, is also a source of numerous health problems. The thyroid is one endocrine gland located at the front of the neck. It is made up of two lobes joined centrally to form the typical “butterfly” appearance. Main secretary of thyroid hormones, it regulates numerous functions of the body, from muscle growth, to the correct functioning of the menstrual cycle for women, to fertility, metabolism and mood.

The most common disorders related to a malfunction of the gland concern its hyper and hypo-functioning, resulting, respectively, in the pathologies of hyperthyroidism e hypothyroidism.

In the first case, a overproduction of hormones, can cause, among others, tremors, excessive thinness, sweating, too frequent bowel movements, heat intolerance, anxiety.

In the second case, one hypoproduction of hormones on the contrary, it causes overweight, constipation, cold intolerance, alopecia, drowsiness.

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Thyroid bonus (photo from the web)
Thyroid bonus (photo from the web)

To the most typical disorders caused by an imbalance of thyroid hormones, others more subtle than often are added they are hardly traced back to the triggering cause, causing long therapeutic courses that are often ineffective, which only increase the patient’s frustration in never finding a solution to their problems.

In these cases, to guarantee patients a good quality of life it is necessary to intervene with drugs capable of rebalancing the hormonal situation. Since these are strong medicines that try to restore an already difficult internal balance, it is not uncommon to have one or more side effects.

Most of the side effects involve excessive heartbeat, resulting in excessive heartbeat tachycardia. Other disorders that can occur are the headache and the muscle weakness.

Farmaci (Getty Images)

It is always important scrupulously follow the instructions of your doctor and avoid the “do it yourself” that is often preferred due to the slow diagnosis and frustration of the patient.

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