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All the highlights of Windows 11 explained in a few minutes

Windows 11 has been announced, but what are the highlights of this OS now?

No problem. We’ll forgive you if you don’t have time to watch a live stream from Microsoft that lasted more than an hour. Time is money, we totally understand that. Fortunately, you can check out all the highlights of Windows 11 in no time.

There are several cut versions of Microsoft’s keynote on YouTube. Yesterday afternoon, the American tech company organized a livestream. A stream that did not run smoothly on the company’s site, by the way, so that people had to turn to YouTube. That’s a bit ironic, of course.

All the highlights of Windows 11 have been crammed into a much short ending video with this recap. Ideal for a quick look. That way you know what to expect when Windows 11 comes out later this year and it’s not a complete surprise.

The Verge cut a version of about 7 minutes. See, that’s great for the coffee break. The most important information is presented. Think of the new start menu, the integration of Android applications and info about the free upgrade. Because you as a Windows 10 owner can just make that switch to Windows 11 soon! In short, check out all the highlights of Windows 11 in the video below.

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