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All personnel with police violence will be investigated, announced the Prime Minister – Bulgaria

© Velko Angelov

The caretaker Prime Minister Stefan Yanev said that all frames, distributed today to the parliamentary committee on violence during last year’s protests will be investigated. During his visit to Bansko, he added that the videos were disturbing.

“Without seeing the footage, I understand that this is police violence, which should not be encouraged in any way. The job of law enforcement is to maintain order, not to deal with protesters or other people who violate public order. , if that was the reason. All these shots, which have already been published, will be investigated, “Yanev was quoted as saying by Nova TV.

Earlier today, during an extraordinary meeting of the commission for investigation of police violence and wiretapping in the parliament, chaired by one of the organizers of last year’s anti-government events – lawyer Nikolay Hadjigenov, MP from “Stand up BG! We are coming”, videos were shown from cameras that have not been distributed so far.

They show police beating protesters in one of the first riots of last year’s protests – July 10. They even allow themselves to hit people who are on the ground and handcuffed.

Yanev commented on the situation in Afghanistan. According to him, it could become very dangerous and cause a big wave of refugees, which will affect the borders of the European Union. That is why stricter border protection measures are needed. He also commented on the budget update requested by the government.

“It is largely the responsibility of MEPs to decide whether and how to do it. If in the process they are determined to have such a debate or need more time to delay their mandates, this is a technology they can do, I I can’t say how to do it, “the prime minister said.

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