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All new film and series highlights

New series and films appear almost every day on Amazon Prime. There are both in-house productions and licensed products. We’ll tell you which series and film highlights you can look forward to exclusively on Amazon Prime in June 2021.

A subscription to Amazon Prime would cost $ 784 if you were to get all services from other providers like Netflix or Spotify. This is the result of a survey by the US bank JP Morgen Chase.

In comparison, the prices that Amazon currently charges for Prime membership appear very moderate. Currently adults can for 69 euros an annual subscription to Amazon Prime to lock. There is even a discount on the 69 euros for schoolchildren and students.

One of the most popular services from Amazon Prime is certainly the wide range of films and series.

New releases on Amazon Prime in June 2021

So that you can keep track of all new releases of in-house productions and licensed products, we have created a small overview with highlights for you. These series and films will appear exclusively on Amazon Prime in June 2021.

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