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Alert! Unguarded Empty Land Becomes the Target of the Land Mafia, Here Are 5 Modes


The Harda Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya revealed the existence of 30 land mafia suspects from residents’ reports since 2020. The police revealed that one of the targets of the land mafia was unguarded vacant land.

“Well, these targets need to be watched out for, usually vacant lands that are not guarded and no signposts are installed,” said Director of Criminal Investigation at the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday (18/7/2022).

Hengki revealed that there are at least five modes that are often used by the land mafia in land grabbing. Four of them new modus operandi.



The first mode that is often done is to create a substitute role figure as if representing the victim’s family. This mode is like the family of artist Nirina Zubir.

“This is a classic mode, as an example experienced by Nirina Zubir’s family. Where this syndication creates a figure as if there is a substitute role for Nirina Zubir’s family,” explained Hengki.

“There was a transfer of rights and then a fake letter was made, a deed of transfer of rights was made and the letter was transferred. That’s why we arrested a notary in this process,” he added.

The second mode used by the perpetrators is usually to determine the land target. Hengki said vacant lands belonging to the government and private individuals that were not guarded were the targets of the perpetrators.

The role of the person National Land Agency official (BPN) to sub-districts and sub-districts play in this mode. Together with the three elements of the official, the land mafia created the Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) and the transfer deed to be sued in the Administrative Court.

The third mode, continued Hengki, is similar to the second mode. However, in this case, the land that has been targeted by the perpetrators does not have a certificate.

“Then a comparison is made and this is for land that has not been certified. Then a fake girik, a fake deed, a deed of transition and the issuance of a certificate were submitted. So what happened was illegal land tenure,” said Hengki.

According to Hengki, in this case, the role of unscrupulous BPN officials was also involved. BPN officials usually carry out field measurement actions that have been wrongly intended from the start.

“Here, the role of BPN elements is to make fake measuring drawings and field maps. Here sometimes there is a wrong opinion on the SOP, wrong administration. But in our investigation there are mens reathere is malicious intent to make a map of the field overlap,” explained Hengki.

Also watch the video ‘Minister of ATR-Kapolda Metro Compact to eradicate the Land Mafia’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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