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Albi aims for 6th consecutive victory against Hyères-Carqueiranne to maintain 1st place in National

the essentials This Friday evening, Albi hosts Hyères-Carqueiranne on the Stadium lawn. The opportunity for the Tarnais to sign a sixth victory in a row and maintain their 1st place in the National.

The SCA is doing very well, thanks for him. Last Saturday, the Albigensians signed a fifth victory in a row in the championship to take, alone, 1st place in the National. But don’t think that the troops are getting excited about the Stadium, quite the contrary. Mathieu Bonello, as usual, remains down to earth: “It’s very good to have won last weekend, but there are still several things to review. We retained the victory but the second half was not really successful. »

The yellow and black general manager remains a perfectionist, especially after his team’s second act against the Audois. “I say it, I am not satisfied with the last part of the meeting. I find that we got confused at times. Even if it’s true that, compared to previous seasons, we showed a little more control in our matches to win the game at the end. We also have to remember that. »

Let’s remember the four points of success then, and this throne occupied by the players of the episcopal city at the time of hosting Hyères-Carqueiranne. So you will have understood, we keep a cool head in the ranks of Sporting, and that is not about to change.

A third consecutive reception

This 1st place does not upset the plans, or almost, for Mathieu Bonello and his family: “It’s anecdotal. We only played six short matches. Obviously, we are happy to be where we are now, but we all know that nothing is done in this championship. I don’t want to come across as negative, but what matters to me is to continue to evolve on the pitch and progress. »

This Friday evening, it is the Varois from Hyères-Carqueiranne who will arrive in the Tarn. “It’s going to hit very hard, that’s a certainty,” admits Bonello. We know the values ​​of this training. But as usual, we will mainly focus on ourselves, to try to win this game. »And the motto for this meeting? “Continue to have fun, and keep our good momentum. »

In recent weeks, the Albigensians were well aware that they could strike hard in this National. The reception of the Hyérois marks the end of three receptions for the SCA. The first two were more than conclusive with an improved success against Tarbes and a convincing victory overall against Narbonne. So this Friday, it’s a new opportunity to please a crowd at the start of the season: “The supporters do the job, and it’s very pleasant. I hope it lasts, and it’s up to us to play well to make them want to come back. We can write a great page for the club all together, we have to put that in our heads. »

Facing the RCHCC, the Yellow and Black have the opportunity to sign a sixth victory in a row in the National in front of the Stadium stands which will only need a small spark to ignite. All this, without forgetting that there is a 1st place to preserve…

#National #Albi #pass #SCA #leading #position #Friday #evening

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