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Albano Carrisi, do you know what job he did before becoming a singer? A craft of unique humility – the Democrat

A rather incredible background on Albano Carrisi is revealed. Before becoming a singer, his job was just that

It all happened on a dancer’s evening for a night of Dancing with the Stars he was on special guest Pippo Baudo. After his performance on the track, the great Rai conductor let himself go to memories, bringing to mind some characteristic events he has seen in his career. Between these two in particular on Alessandra Mussolini and Albano.

In fact, Alessandra Mussolini was just right the valley of Pippo Baudo when she made her debut on TV. For this year’s edition, Mussolini occupied the post of columnist in Ballando con le stelle. As they remembered this detail and she approached the conductor who discovered her to greet him with affection, she also says something ironically. “Do I remember that experience? Better to forget … “. Smiling, Baudo reinforces his concept.

Then, however, the conductor also wants to focus on the Cantante di Cellino San Marco that this year plays the role of a dancer. In fact, Albano put himself on the line despite his age to be able to look out over this new experience. And, we can say it, with the right spirit always with a smile on his face. But what did Pippo Baudo tell him?

Pippo Baudo’s confession on Albano

Albano Carrisi Pippo Baudo

Baudo, referring to Albano, wanted to remember how he met him. He wanted to underline how his talent already struck him some time ago, a young Albano who had very little if any to do with the world of music. To Milly Carlucci and to all the audience of Ballando, the Sicilian conductor told how discovered the talent of Albano Carrisi.

“There was the ‘Il Dollar’ restaurant in Milan, where I used to go for dinner. At a certain point he would arrive, coming from the Innocenti factory. He served at the tables and then played the guitar. I heard it and decided to launch it the next day on television “. Albano’s elegant reply was certainly not long in coming, which still carries those good times with it.

In fact, while he was in the Hall of the stars, the singer confirmed every single word of Baudo. He too remembered those moments with happiness and emotion. In fact, that day, for him it marked thea real turning point in his career.

A turning point that made him become a real big name in Italian music. Then he has thanked Pippo Baudo with great affection.

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