Home » today » Business » Alarming Rise in Early and Unwanted Pregnancies among Minor Girls in Benin: Statistics Revealed

Alarming Rise in Early and Unwanted Pregnancies among Minor Girls in Benin: Statistics Revealed

The statistics of early and unwanted pregnancies continue to rise in Benin. The situation is more alarming among minor girls. According to figures published by Fraternité Fm of Parakou14,359 minor girls became mothers between January and June 2023 in the Prayer.

These figures, which visibly send shivers down your spine, are the results of a survey carried out by the body in this department in the northern part of Benign. With these figures recorded in the space of six (06) months in a single department, we are entitled to affirm that the numerous awareness campaigns initiated against girls both in schools and in training workshops learning by the government and by NGOs with heavy investments, have clearly shown their limits. To fight effectively against this scourge which jeopardizes the future of girls, we will have to change strategies and methods in order to better channel the sexual appetite of adolescents and young girls who indulge in sexuality in vain. shamelessly and without any precautions in this matter.

It is therefore clear that underage girls have become easy prey for unscrupulous men. Faced with the phenomenon of early pregnancies, a synergy of actions is necessary in the Prayer. Decision-makers, civil society, development partners and parents must thoroughly analyze the real causes of the phenomenon with a view to strengthening education on sexual and reproductive health. Therefore, coercive measures in this area must be strengthened against predators.

2024-01-08 17:21:09
#Benin #months #minors #mothers #Donga

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