Home » today » Sport » Al-Ahly and Zamalek face Wydad and hope in September, and to cancel the international agenda

Al-Ahly and Zamalek face Wydad and hope in September, and to cancel the international agenda

Officials of the Five-A-Committee of the Football Association revealed that the African Football Confederation “K” has been settled to replace the international agenda for the national teams in the month of September, by holding the African and Confederate Champions League matches during that period.

Al-Ahly will meet Morocco’s Wydad and Zamalek with Moroccan Raja in the semi-finals of the Champions League, while Pyramids Houria face Konakry of Guinea in the semi-finals of the Confederation Championship.

An official source of the Football Association confirmed that an international suspension of the teams was scheduled in September, before sufficient officials decided to replace him with the semi-finals of the African Champions League and the Confederation Championship, due to the cessation of football activity in most countries of the world for a period ranging from 3 to 5 months.

On the other hand, officials of the Five-A-Committee of the Football Association agreed with the company responsible for conducting Corona Virus Swabs for Premier League clubs and obtaining a discount of up to 50% for Jabbala, from the real price of the survey in hospitals and medical laboratories.

Sixteen Premier League clubs have conducted Corona Virus smears over the past days, while Pyramids and FC Egypt have borne the costs of conducting their surveys.

The price of a corona virus test in many hospitals and laboratories in Egypt is between 1,800 and 2,100 Egyptian pounds.

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