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Agricultural calendar: ONACC’s proposals to producers

The chronogram offers farmers better management planning and monitoring of agricultural operations

The targeted regions are the Centre, East, South, West, North-West, South-West and Littoral.

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The National Observatory on Climate Change (Onacc) offers farmers two dates for planting their crops. Its latest agricultural calendar for the second campaign in the greater South of Cameroon, made up of the Center, East, South, West, North-West, South-West and Littoral regions, ONACC offers farmers two dates.

The first is in the second ten days of August 2023, for the Littoral, South-West, West and North-West regions. From the first ten days of next September for the Centre, East and South regions.

ONACC specifies that for the localities of Campo and Ambam (South region), sowing can begin from the second ten days of September of the current year. The chronogram offers farmers better management planning and monitoring of agricultural operations in order to adjust to climatic disturbances and optimize crop yields.

For the second campaign, ONACC is offering the Centre, East and South regions different products to be planted during these periods, such as groundnuts, soybeans, cowpeas, beans, tomatoes, peppers , watermelon, cabbage, pepper, plantain, papaya, cassava, sweet potato, cashew, citrus, lemon, mandarin, coffee, among others.

ONACC is a structure for collecting and centralizing environmental data, in the form of indicators, for bio-monitoring, environmental monitoring, management and/or the development and evaluation of environmental policies.

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