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Age d’Or Services unveils the results of the satisfaction survey of its beneficiaries

Pioneer and specialist in personal services, Age d’Or Services has, like every year, launched its customer satisfaction survey. Focus on the main results.

The results of the Age d’Or Services study

At the end of its satisfaction survey carried out from April to September, Age d’Or Services obtained a satisfaction rate of the seniors supported by its teams of 85%. In fact, the results of this new survey attest once again to the excellence of the service provided by Age d’Or Services:

  • 98% of seniors believe their needs are understood,
  • 95% consider the teams as trustworthy people,
  • 97% appreciate the friendliness of the speakers,
  • 93% welcome their availability,
  • 92% notice their punctuality.

Increased rates compared to last year! This quality of service reflects the fact that 95% of the people questioned say they are ready to recommend Age d’Or Services to those around them.

The brand also wanted to ask its customers about the impact of covid-19 on their daily lives. At a time when 46% of those questioned believe that the crisis has changed their lifestyle, 62% underline the negative impact of it on the mental level, while only 20% of them evoke a negative impact on the economic level. .

By asking them what they lacked the most during this period, 84% of respondents address the lack of relationships with their loved ones, 3/4 of them the lack of distractions and activities, while 54% regret the lack of physical exercise.

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