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After Corona outbreak in Baptist congregation: Another ecclesiastical focus of infection

    shut down

  • Kerstin Kesselgruber

  • Jutta Rippegather

    Jutta Rippegather

  • Sophia Lother

    Sophia Lother

  • Ines Alberti

    Ines Alberti

After the infection after a Baptist service in Frankfurt, there is a similar corona outbreak in northern Germany.

  • Numerous new ones Corona cases after Baptist service Frankfurt
  • The number of corona infected after church service in Frankfurt rises over 200
  • Also in Bremerhaven there is one Religious community one Corona outbreak

Update from Friday, May 29th, 2020, 17.08pm: First Frankfurt, now Bremerhaven: In Germany there is another corona outbreak in a religious community. After numerous infections became known after a Baptist service in Frankfurt, there is a similar infection in Bremerhaven. In the environment of a free church Pentecostal church in Bremerhaven have numerous people with the Corona virus infected.

At least 44 believers are positive for that Corona virus was tested on Friday, the head of the Bremerhaven Health Department, Ronny Möckel, who also heads the crisis team there. Initially, 20 infections were known. “We generally expect the numbers to increase further,” said Möckel. Two of the infected are in the hospital, but do not have to be ventilated. More than 100 community members are in quarantine.

About 150 visitors attended the service, including guests who would later be positive for the Corona virus have been tested. According to Möckel, it remains to be clarified whether the infections can be directly attributed to the service and whether errors in infection protection were made during the service. All meetings in the community are now prohibited for two weeks.

Corona outbreak in Baptist church: 200 infected

Update from Thursday, May 28th, 2020, 4:39 pm: After the service one Baptist Free Church in Frankfurt am Main on May 10th are through Thursday (May 28th, 2020) 200 people from the community environment Covid-19 been tested. 57 of them live in Frankfurt, the rest live in seven surrounding counties, said a spokeswoman for the Frankfurt health department. Currently, nine people are being hospitalized in hospitals, in one case intensive care.

The infections in the Gospel Christian Baptist church had become known last weekend. A spokesman for the community had said at the time that they were all Service requirements been observed. In an information letter published earlier this week, however, there was talk of community singing. Nose-mouth masks were apparently not worn either.

Corona outbreak after Baptist service in Frankfurt: more and more infected

+++ 21.12 clock: The number of known new infections associated with the corona outbreak in one Baptist church in Frankfurt connected, has grown again, according to a FR report. Accordingly, there are now 133 corona cases that can be traced back to the service two weeks ago.

In addition to the 112 positive tests that the Ministry of Social Affairs is still talking about, the Darmstadt-Dieburg district independently reported 16 infected people. On Tuesday (May 26, 2020), a spokesman for the Groß-Gerau district administration said on FR request that the local health department was aware of five other corona cases. Four infected people belonged to a family.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to understand the chains of infection. In Frankfurt alone, 150 possible contacts are currently known.

Corona after Baptist service in Frankfurt: Health department checks events in church

+++ 17.07 clock: After this Corona outbreak in a Baptist church in Frankfurt the health department is in the process of checking the infection process and looking at where there were gaps in the observance of the hygiene rules. The office is in close coordination with the municipality. According to a spokeswoman for the health department, wearing no mouth-nose protection during a service was not a violation of the current Corona regulation.

That the Baptist church according to one Report from “faz.net” The spokeswoman denied on Tuesday (26.05.2020) on request (due to careless handling of the hygiene regulations, criminal investigations). “This is a precedent and we have to learn from it.” The FAZ article also links a Covid 19 case with a teacher from a daycare center in Flörsheim to the Baptist church. The woman is said to have been a member there and apparently already infected a colleague.

Corona outbreak after Baptist service in Frankfurt: Now the Hessian Minister of Social Affairs speaks

Update from Tuesday, May 26th, 2020, 11:29 am: Minister of Social Affairs Kai Klose (Greens) spoke at a press conference on the corona situation in Hesse. Related to the corona outbreak in one Baptist congregation in Frankfurt, Klose said: “The risk of infection continues. It is still important to remain vigilant and not to become frivolous. ”It is important to continue to abide by the corona rules. Hygiene and distance played a crucial role, explains Klose.

Must in pubs and restaurants Name lists be carried out in order to understand possible infections with the corona virus. This is difficult for services, said Klose. Since the Religious freedom is protected, list keeping in connection with the practice of religion is particularly sensitive. Klose did not want to say yet whether there should be other consequences in the case of the Baptist church. It is important to focus on the education first.

Corona in Baptist Church in Frankfurt: Number of infected people higher than expected

Update from Monday, May 25th, 2020, 9:17 pm: Apparently the number ofCorona cases after one Baptist worship in Frankfurt even higher than initially assumed. The Frankfurter Rundschau had already reported on Friday (May 22, 2020). On Monday, the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs announced that it is now 112 people are infected with the coronavirus.

As the press spokesman for the city of Darmstadt confirmed to the FR on Monday evening (25.05.2020), they are still coming 16 infected people in the district of Darmstadt-Dieburg to. According to the ministry, the remaining infected live in Frankfurt, the Main-Kinzig-Kreis, the Hochtaunuskreis, the Wetteraukreis and in Wiesbaden.

Corona outbreak in Baptist congregation in Frankfurt: Apparently no mouthguard during the service

Update from Monday, May 25th, 2020, 12.04pm: Having at least 107 people looking for one Baptist service in Frankfurt with the new Corona virus infected, the community said in a letter on its website. “We are deeply dismayed and sad that the infection has found its way into the community and has spread with a strong dynamic,” it says.

In which Church service in Frankfurt Clearance regulations were adhered to and signs and disinfectants were present, but Mouthguard apparently was not worn. “In retrospect, it would be appropriate for us to wear mouth-nose protection coverings during the service and to forego singing together.”

Since there are many families with five or more children in the community, the number of infections at home continues to increase. The community is in exchange with the health authorities.

Corona in the Baptist Church in Frankfurt: 107 infected – including a child

Update from Sunday, May 24th, 2020, 8.40pm: As the Wetteraukreis reports, there is one of the 26 Corona cases Baptist worship in Frankfurt About two weeks ago, a child who tested positive for the virus. This had attended emergency care in a kindergarten in Karben. Overall are 107 infections known in connection with the service.

In the kindergarten in Karben, all children and nursery school teachers have taken a smear, reports the Wetteraukreis. The result: “All people tested were negative. Nobody infected the child from Rosbach. ”However, it can be assumed that the Number of infected people is far higher.

According to René Gottschalk, head of the health department of the city of Frankfurt, most of the people at home did not get infected but after the service. You have it “well under control”. However, questionable: As the Main-Kinzig district announced, several counties are affected. Gottschalk emphasized that their health departments were not obliged to report to the Frankfurt. However, a spokeswoman had told the Frankfurter Rundschau * on Friday that the Frankfurt health authority was responsible.

Corona in Baptist congregation Frankfurt: More than 100 infected – Kaminsky is horrified

Update from Sunday, May 24th, 2020, 3:24 pm: The number of coronaInfections after one Baptist worship in Frankfurt Around two weeks ago, rises further: On Sunday afternoon (May 24, 2020), Hessen’s Minister of Social Affairs Kai Klose announced that currently 107 infections are known in connection with the service. Accordingly, the people live in Frankfurt and three other Hessian counties.

“This situation shows how important it is that we all remain vigilant and not reckless – especially during the easing that is now being made possible again. The virus is still there and wants to spread. Our best community protection is to comply with the hygiene, distance and mouth-nose protection rules “, appeals to Klose.

Hanaus Mayor Claus Kaminsky (SPD) went one step further and criticized the flow of information about the infection: “That borders on organized irresponsibility“Kaminsky demands information from the responsible authorities, the health department of the Main-Kinzig district and the state.

Corona in Frankfurt Baptist Church: More than 80 infected people – “a difficult situation”

Update from Sunday, May 24th, 2020, 1:24 pm: The number of Corona infectionsthat are related to a Baptist worship in Frankfurt standing, increases further: Now he has Wetteraukreis new infected people reported in southern Hesse. According to the district, there are 26 other positive Covid 19 cases in Rosbach, Rodheim and Karben that can be traced back to the service on May 10.

In the Wetteraukreis, 76 people were therefore sent to quarantine, the district said on Sunday (May 24th, 2020). A Child who tested positive for Corona attended an urban kindergarten in Karben-Petterweil. All other children in emergency care and the kindergarten teacher were, however, without any results after tests.

Together with the Corona infected in Frankfurt and in Hanau the number of cases belonging to the cluster of Baptist worship increases more than 80. However, the exact number is still unclear.

Corona outbreak in Frankfurt Baptist congregation: more than 50 infected – “a difficult situation”

Update from Sunday, May 24th, 2020, 12.55pm: After the Corona outbreak in a Baptist church in Frankfurt, the exact number of those infected in connection with the service is still unclear. In Frankfurt alone infected more than 40 people.

Like it 16 corona infected in Hanau go, he does not know, said Daniel Freimuth from the crisis team of the city of Hanau on Sunday (May 24th, 2020). The mayor has not yet received any information from the responsible health authority in the Main-Kinzig district.

The deputy chairman of the association of Gospel Christian Baptists in Frankfurt, Vladimir Pritzkau, said on Saturday (May 23, 2020) that there were six affected people in hospitals. The others Corona infected be at home. “We canceled all meetings. Services are now only available online, ”said the 64-year-old. “It is a difficult situation for us.” How many visitors to the service in the Baptist church had come on May 10th, “he couldn’t say exactly,” said Pritzkau.

Frankfurt: More than 40 corona infections after Baptist service

Update from Saturday, May 23rd, 2020, 4.27pm: After being in a Baptist church in Frankfurt numerous people with the Corona virus Infected, the head of the City of Frankfurt’s Health Department, René Gottschalk, has announced further details. According to new information from the health department, there will be a total after the service more than 40 corona infected.

Gottschalk said: “Most of them are not particularly sick. To our knowledge, there is only one person in a hospital. ”

After a service by a Baptist congregation in Frankfurt, more than 100 people became infected with corona.

© Kerstin Kesselgruber

Frankfurt: Many corona infections after Baptist service – Bishopric of Limburg expresses itself

Update from Saturday, May 23rd, 2020, 3.15pm: Numerous believers from all over Rhine Main Area have been looking for one G
service one Baptist church with the Corona virus infected. The service took place on Sunday (May 10th, 2020) in the Gospel Christian Baptist Church on the Eschborner Landstraße in Frankfurt instead of. Now that has happened Diocese Limburg voiced on the case.

For catholic services one sees in Diocese of Limburg no need to panic at the moment. For two weeks now, the diocese has been subject to hygiene and distance requirements Services possible again. According to the diocese, pastors and believers were very careful about the situation, a spokesman said. He also emphasized: “We want to continue on this course for now.” Corona cases like in the Baptist church are in the Catholic diocese of Limburg, to which Frankfurt heard, none known.

All dioceses of the Catholic Church will be public again in the future Services allowed, but subject to conditions. The Protection concepts vary. What they have in common, however, is that they provide for minimum distances. In addition, believers must have one mask wear that covers mouth and nose. In addition, the Number of participants limited.

Frankfurt: Many corona infections after Baptist service

First message from Friday, May 22nd, 2020: Frankfurt – After a service of the Gospel Christian Baptist Church in Frankfurt has a larger number of people with corona infected. Believers from all over the Rhine-Main area are affected. This was confirmed by the deputy head of Frankfurt Health authorities, Antoni Walczok, the Frankfurter Rundschau. “It is a very dynamic event.” How many people were sick or infected, he could not say. The country is informed.

The outbreak did not only concern Frankfurt, but also surrounding areas Counties be more or less affected; such as the Wetterau district, the Hochtaunus district or the Main-Kinzig district. According to the Main-Kinzig-Kreis, 16 people who were assigned to the cluster were tested positive in Hanau alone.

Corona crisis in Frankfurt: services again permitted

The prayer house of the Gospel Christian Baptist Church is located at Eschborner Landstraße 99-101 in Frankfurt. The service was celebrated there on Sunday, May 10, at which the faithful are said to have infected. Club chairman Eugen Steiger is in the hospital, his daughter told the FR on the phone. Then a woman’s voice intervened: “We don’t have to give you an answer” – and ended the conversation abruptly.

The community has done nothing illegal. On May 10, celebrations were again allowed in Hesse, says Walczok. Unlike in gastronomy, for example, visitors are not required to register their names and addresses. The Distance requirement and the Hygiene rules should be followed. There are no guidelines for the number of participants. “There was no violation of an ordinance,” said the deputy chief.

Corona in Frankfurt: Churches have to develop their own concept

The lack of an obligation to register makes the work of the responsible health authorities difficult. You now have the task of finding possible contact persons and ordering quarantine – or isolation for less seriously ill people.

After the Corona crisis regulations were updated, religious communities have been able to gather again since May 1st. Churches and religious communities have to develop their own concept for compliance with the distance rules, hygiene and control of access and coordinate this with the states and the Robert Koch Institute.

Corona in Frankfurt: Individual events can have fatal consequences

There must be a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between people who do not live together in a household. Objects, such as the collection basket, may not be passed on. “Hygiene measures, such as setting up disinfection dispensers, must be ensured,” says the corresponding communication from the state government.

Main-Kinzig district administrator Thorsten Stolz and health department head Susanne Simmler (both SPD) appealed to the population on Friday (22.05.2020) not to become careless. “Like this outbreak happening in Frankfurt shows, a single event with a large number of different contacts can have far-reaching consequences for the infection process. ”The health authorities concerned would now have their hands full, clear up all infection routes as far as possible and thus prevent further infections.

By Jutta Rippegather

Editor’s note: In a previous version of this article we wrote inaccurately about an infection during the service. It has not been proven that the faithful were infected directly during the service. Therefore this wording was wrong. We apologize for any inconvenience.

In a refugee shelter in Frankfurt, 65 refugees and two employees were infected with the corona virus. Further corona tests are still pending.

In Frankfurt, Corona skeptics want to demonstrate at the Weseler Werft and at the Alte Oper. The initiative “Enlightenment instead of conspiracy theories” calls for counter-protests again.

The ban on contact has been violated several times in the past few days on Friedberger Platz in Frankfurt. Now the city of Frankfurt is reacting.

* fr.de and wetterauer-zeitung.de are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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