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“African Lion 2024”: Simulation train on the Mixed Operations Middle in Agadir

A command train (Command Submit Train-CPX) is going down on the Mixed Operations Middle, erected on the South Zone Headquarters in Agadir, on the event of the twentieth version of the “African” train. Lion” which stands in accordance with the directions of HM the King, Supreme Chief and Chief of Common Employees of the Royal Armed Forces.

The CPX (Could 20 to 31) is a simulation train aimed toward testing the readiness and skill of individuals to make sure the operational readiness of the Mixed Joint Activity Power and brings collectively army executives of various nationalities to coach them on the planning, conducting joint operations and implementing coordination procedures between models.

This simulation train was programmed for the advantage of a Mixed Joint Activity Power, with its Land, Air, Sea and Particular Forces parts, to make sure the planning and conduct of joint operations.

The CPX goals to consolidate interoperability between individuals throughout the framework of a Mixed Joint Activity Power to counter a large-scale typical risk, mixed with the actions of terrorist teams.

This train permits the sharing of experience and know-how. It represents an efficient means for consolidating data in planning, conducting and coordinating operations between the totally different parts: Land, Air, Sea and particular forces.

On Monday, a ceremony was organized on the headquarters of the South Zone Common Employees in Agadir, asserting the official launch of the “African Lion” train, within the presence of representatives of the collaborating nations.

Round 7,000 parts of the armed forces from round twenty nations along with the North Atlantic Treaty Group (NATO) are participating alongside the FAR and the American Armed Forces in these large-scale army maneuvers.

Scheduled to happen in Benguerir, Agadir, Tan-Tan, Akka and Tifnit, the “African Lion 2024” train contains a number of actions together with tactical, land, maritime and air workouts, mixed, day and night time, an train particular forces and airborne operations.

This twentieth version additionally contains coaching to fight weapons of mass destruction and a variety of medico-surgical and social companies supplied for the advantage of the inhabitants of the Akka area by a army discipline hospital.

Contributing to the strengthening of operational, technical and procedural interoperability between the collaborating armies, the “African Lion 2024” train, the most important train performed in Africa, stays an unmissable occasion the place army executives come collectively to alternate data. procedures and experiences, significantly by way of coaching and mixed joint coaching.

This twentieth version testifies to the sustainability which characterizes the cooperation between the FAR and the American Armed Forces, reflecting the historic and strong hyperlinks which bind the 2 nations.

LNT with Map

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– 2024-05-23 17:05:29

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