Home » today » Entertainment » Adele offers more than 50 million for house Sylvester Stallone | Stars

Adele offers more than 50 million for house Sylvester Stallone | Stars

entertainment">The villa is located in the upscale neighborhood of Beverly Park, which is not accessible to outsiders. Denzel Washington, Dwayne Johnson, Justin Bieber, Mark Wahlberg, Eddie Murphy and Sofia Vergara, among others, live nearby. The house has eight bedrooms, has an area of ​​1430 square meters and stands on a small 1.5 hectares of land. It has an infinity pool overlooking the Los Angeles skyline.

entertainment">Stallone put the house up for sale at the beginning of last year for 110 million dollars, but experts indicated that it was vastly above the current prices in the area.


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