Home » today » News » Abu Dhabi, 07 May 2024. President Andry Rajoelina. His speech, translated into Malagasy, at the opening of the 13th AMAS

Abu Dhabi, 07 May 2024. President Andry Rajoelina. His speech, translated into Malagasy, at the opening of the 13th AMAS

“His Royal Highness Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates and Emir of Ras Al Khaimah,

General Director of AIM Foundation, Mr.

Madam and ministers Mr.


Dear partners.

It is a great pleasure to be here in Abu Dhabi for the 13th Annual Investment Conference.

It is an honor for Madagascar to participate in this meeting and to thank His Highness Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates for his participation and his sincere friendship to welcome us, as guests of honor in this biggest investment. forum in the world.

I also express my condolences to the royal family, on behalf of the Malagasy people and myself, for the loss of closeness.

This AIM 2024 conference is particularly important in terms of taking advantage of the potential for global economic development. This meeting will allow us to build effective partnerships and explore new areas of research.


We live in a world where each country has strengths, both in terms of skills, resources and equipment.

The rapid development of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, two cities that have captivated the world with their transformation, are great examples to follow as they show us that vision, determination and innovation can make a difference on what we see as visible work for the city.

A desert has been transformed into a thriving economic center around the world, attracting talent and investment from around the world. This success perfectly illustrates the importance of perseverance.

This patience encourages us to appreciate the opportunity to wait for a profitable opportunity in our country.

As you already know, Madagascar has an incredible variety of natural resources and unique cultural diversity unique.

To fulfill our need, we are looking for support from our partners and friendly countries so that they support the development that the Malagasy people have been waiting for a long time.

Madagascar’s geographical and strategic location, and its central position on the world map, at the crossroads of the sea, reflects our important role in trade and regional interaction.

Our 5,000 km coastline makes our country a strategic bridge linking Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the entire Indian Ocean region.

5% of the world’s biodiversity can be found on our Big Island. It is covered with natural resources, which means that there are many opportunities to take advantage of economic production and tourism.

The development of the tourism industry is still extensive, especially in sports tourism, cultural tourism, on the beach, and especially to see our large marine animals, including the famous “big four”: the porpoise humpback whale, the whale, the sea turtle and the dolphin.

To be able to promote these sectors, we are looking for new sources of funding, especially from the United Arab Emirates, to develop our tourism clients and promote the sustainable growth of these sectors in Madagascar.

The construction of an additional 11,500 bedrooms, which will be built across our region, is a priority for us to meet the growing number of day and night visitors.

We already have natural habitats ready to host eco-hotels, eco-resorts and high-end club hotels.

Many natural sites are suitable for establishing a marina, allowing visitors to enjoy an unforgettable cruise while protecting the valuable coastal environment. Other places are designed to complement activities such as Mongolfières flight tours, visits to geothermal hot springs, or river tours.

Our country has a population of 28 million, most of them under the age of 30, and 587,000 km2 of fertile land. Our aim is to build strategic links and attract partners and investors who share the same vision of long-term economic development as we do. Madagascar offers a favorable environment for investment in several key sectors.

First, I want to talk to you about the agriculture sector.

Today, population growth is leading to an increase in food demand worldwide and the increase in meat consumption is already 350 million tons, compared to about 500 million tons per year – consumption year rice

Due to the need to feed a growing world population and the scarcity of arable land, it is estimated that more than 800 million hectares of agricultural land are needed to support the world’s population. to feed the world.

Madagascar has over 36 million hectares of arable land, representing a great opportunity to close this global food gap.

We have the natural resources: the fertile soil and the good climate to be a great resource for agriculture.

However, to take full advantage of this potential, we need to modernize agricultural methods, invest in research and development and encourage investment in this sector.

By reforming agricultural practices, we can achieve food independence, which can only respond to the needs of regional markets, contributing to global food security.

In the field of fish farming, Madagascar stands out for its amazing resources along its coast.

Our waters are full of quality fish products, especially prawns, which benefit from the famous Label Rouge, confirming its high quality.

Since our country produces 30,000 tons per year, it can be said that it is an important producer in the international field of fish farming. And we can still produce a hundred times more because we have a production stock of up to 300,000 tons.



We cannot talk about the opportunity to take advantage of the economic production of the Madagascar without saying a few words about the mining sector, which is another sector of investmentvery optimistic.

In today’s global environment, where mining is of strategic value in providing the raw materials needed for industry, Madagascar is the third largest exporter of nickel in Africa.

Our Island has an indispensable place in the world market for raw materials. Because we have about 300 million tons of reserves of cobalt, vanadium, iron, gold, graphite and precious stones.

This sector accounts for 33% of our exports, which contributes significantly to our country’s economy. To reinforce our commitment to a strong legal framework that promotes responsible investment, we have introduced a new mining code with incentive provisions.

As a result, we are pleased to announce our partnership with the United Arab Emirates for the opening of the first refined gold plant in Madagascar, which is an important step in the development of our country’s mining industry.

Regarding the energy sector, a subject that is very close to my heart, our goal is to double or triple the energy production capacity.

Renewable energy focuses on renewable energy such as solar, wind and hydropower. Today, our dependence on thermal energy is a major challenge, and 90% of production is heavily dependent on this very expensive source of energy.

For example: for the production of 600 MW, we spend 250 million dollars a year on fuel, mainly gasoline and diesel. This money, however, is freed up to finance the installation of 300 MW per year through solar parks.

To accelerate the energy transition, we have launched a large project to install solar parks in 47 of the 120 regions of our country.

In addition, Madagascar has approximately 7,800 MW of hydropower resources, a valuable source of energy that we will use with determination without delay.

By investing in renewable energy, we not only ensure energy security, but also play an important role in the transition to a greener and more sustainable future.

Our success lies in providing electricity to families who still do not have electricity at home.

To achieve this, we have established a national program for the distribution of solar energy devices called LIGHT FOR YOU or “Light for every home”. Through this project, 4 million households, or 75% of Malagasy people, can save between 2 and 4 dollars per month.

Approximately 960 million dollars will be saved in 5 years, improving the daily life of every family. This unprecedented development, which will bring electricity to every home, will light up the whole country.

Dear Partners,

To conclude my speech, it was a great hope that I met with the President of the Emirates Group to confirm that the route connecting the United Arab Emirates and Madagascar will open soon. This will greatly encourage the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries.

I invite all the actors in the government and the private sector, all the partners present, to choose Madagascar as a special place to use money. By investing in our country, you are sure to benefit from a profitable and long-term investment.


I wish all the participants the best of luck, and I hope that this conference will encourage the building of strong partnerships for a successful future.

By coming together and sharing our experiences, we have a unique opportunity to change the global economy and reduce inequality and development gaps between countries.

Thank you very much for your attention.”

Andrew Rajoelina,

President of the Malagasy Republic

Translated from the French: Jeannot Ramambazafy

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