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Abel explains Veron against Cuiabá and talks about VAR against São Paulo

After Palmeiras’ victory over Cuiabá yesterday, for the Brazilian Championship, coach Abel Ferreira spoke about his decision to select Gabriel Veron for the match and commented on the statement he made about the training of Brazilian players in the mental aspect and “as men”. The Portuguese spoke about the matter when asked about the chance given to the player shortly after the striker was caught drinking in a club days before a decisive duel for the Copa do Brasil.

The player was punished by Palmeiras, fined 40% of his salary, but ended up playing as a starter against São Paulo for the Copa do Brasil. In the duel, he missed two goals that could have classified Alviverde. In the next game, against Cuiabá, he was again selected from the beginning and scored the winning goal for Verdão.

“If I had done as many expected, which was to take Veron and crucify him, we would not have scored,” said the coach. “I have to be careful talking about Gabriel Veron because the last time I spoke, two or three malicious journalists took it elsewhere. When I speak it’s in the context of the football. Freedom of the press is fundamental to growth, but it has limits, and lack of respect and offense is the limit. I talked about Veron and the Brazilian players, I didn’t generalize. Don’t get me involved in political games, in problems of society. I came to Brazil to be a football coach within my qualities and capabilities,” he said.

Abel also did not escape being asked about the performance of VAR in the game against São Paulo, which eliminated Palmeiras in the Copa do Brasil. Yesterday, the club sent a new letter to the CBF requesting that the VAR lines be traced. “Let’s put our finger on the wound, and all together. What happened three days ago is not to be forgotten. It was Palmeiras, but then it could be another team that will be harmed. It won’t change, we’re out, São Paulo will follow forward. Let it be an example. The first step is to admit the mistake, who assumed the mistake? The second is to correct the mistake and improve for the next time. What is worth it for the sake of sporting truth and football’s credibility “.

With today’s victory (18th) over Cuiabá, Palmeiras regained the leadership of the Brasileirão. In the next round, Alviverde faces América-MG, at Independência, in a duel scheduled for Thursday (21), at 8 pm.

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