Home » today » Health » Abdala vaccine 92% efficiency: Sanitary Jurisdiction – El Sol de Tampico

Abdala vaccine 92% efficiency: Sanitary Jurisdiction – El Sol de Tampico

The Sanitary jurisdiction which comprises tampico y Logassured the population that the abdala vaccine has a 92% efficiencyI consider that it is safe and as such there should be no fear among the population to be applied whenever is reliable in the strategy against Covid-19.

This sector dependent on Tamaulipas Secretary of Health asked that with this message the population go to the vaccination days and above all do not doubt the biological Rather.

The director of Sanitary Jurisdiction Two, Graciela Guadalupe Arana Francostated that a inoculation campaign for the population aged 18 and over of the municipalities of tampico y madero city the next Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 January of the current year.

He mentioned that although it is true, there are many speculations about the effectiveness of the vaccine of Cuban originit should be noted that this was authorized by Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) for your emergency use in Mexican territory.

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The Abdala vaccine that will be applied to people aged 18 and over, in the first dose and its respective reinforcements, will guarantee that the epidemiological light remains green and, above all, avoid a new wave of infections that puts the entire population at risk. “.

Abdala vaccine with 92.2% efficacy

Arana Franco explained that the drug has a proven efficacy of up to 92.2% against pandemic diseaseas well as most of its variants, which is why health specialists will be receiving it during the vaccination day that will take place in the metropolitan area.

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We have had a talk with our epidemiologist and he has informed us that the vaccine against Covid-19 we should continue applying all the necessary doses, mainly within the immunization days and it is not the exception when we receive the biological Abdala”.

What will be the inoculation sites in Tampico and Madero?

The interviewee added that the inoculation sites for tampicoit will be in the Municipal auditorium.

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Likewise, in madero city will take place in the Sports unitwhere the servants of the nation They will be assisted by trained doctors and nurses belonging to the Tamaulipa Secretary of Healthyes, so the Sanitary jurisdiction number two called on citizens not to be afraid to get vaccinated with the application of Rather, drug of Cuban originwhich they claimed has a 92.2% efficiency.

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