Home » today » Technology » A total lunar eclipse will occur on 15-16 May 2022, can it be seen from Indonesia?

A total lunar eclipse will occur on 15-16 May 2022, can it be seen from Indonesia?

KOMPAS.com – Lunar eclipse is one of the most awaited astronomical phenomena, and it’s a shame to miss. As for Total lunar eclipse The first (GBT) of the year will take place from 15 to 16 May 2022.

To note, a Total Lunar Eclipse is a condition when the Moon, Earth, and Sun are in a straight line, and the Moon enters completely into the shadow of the Earth’s core or umbra. So, no sunlight can be reflected to the surface of the Moon.

Total Lunar Eclipse May 15, 2022 This event, will start at around 22:28 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) or 09.00 WIB.

Then, the peak of the Total Lunar Eclipse will occur on May 16, 2022, at 04.11 UT (Universal Time) or 11.11 WIB.

Read also: 4 Eclipses Happen in 2022, Can You See it from Indonesia?

The moon is estimated to take 3 hours, 27 minutes and 58 seconds to pass through the umbra completely.

Unlike when observing a solar eclipse, observing a lunar eclipse does not require special protection such as glasses.

You can see it with the naked eye, or use binoculars or a telescope to get a closer look.

So, can the Total Lunar Eclipse be seen from Indonesia?

Unfortunately, the phenomenon Total Lunar Eclipse 15-16 May 2022 cannot be observed from Indonesia. This was stated by a professor of astronomy and astrophysics from the Center for Space Research of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Thomas Djamaluddin.

“(Total Lunar Eclipse) is not visible in Indonesia. Only the Americas and Africa can witness it,” said Thomas when contacted Kompas.comMonday (9/5/2022).

“The eclipse occurs in Indonesia during the day, so it is impossible to see it,” he continued.

Read also: Why is the Moon Red During a Total Lunar Eclipse?

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