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A study and a guide to better include deaf and hard of hearing people in business

After having had a first study carried out by Elabe in 2020, the Hearing Foundation asked it to look into the professional paths of deaf and hard of hearing people; she drew from it a practical guide of 20 pages.

“The whole purpose of this practical guide is to show – and this is fundamental – that deafness does not prevent interaction, underlines Jérémie Boroy, president of the National Consultative Committee for People with Disabilities (CNCPH). They only require mobilizing the right tools and raising awareness of good practices so that all employees, deaf and hearing, can lift the brakes and interact calmly. “ At the request of the Hearing Foundation, the Elabe firm carried out 32 individual interviews with deaf and hard of hearing workers and their colleagues, directors of human resources, and deafness specialists in companies (occupational medicine). work, associations, specialist service providers, etc.).

In these courses, 4 key phases stand out: the recruitment process, often marred by discriminatory practices, the job interview, integration and reception in the company (very largely dependent on the awareness that has been carried out upstream, or not) and professional development. To meet the information and adaptation needs that arise, the guide “The essentials to get to know each other, understand each other and work together”, available on the foundation’s website, provides several avenues for solutions by pointing out: best practices at each stage of the journey – training plays a key role here -, deciphers the words to be used to talk to one another among working people and lists the suitable organizations to support professional integration. “It is an educational tool, providing concrete solutions to make inclusion in the workplace a reality, and an asset in the service of the company and the employees”, summarizes Denis Le Squer, director general of the Foundation for hearing.

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