Home » today » World » A Russian soldier killed three people at Voronezh airport. He barricaded himself

A Russian soldier killed three people at Voronezh airport. He barricaded himself

“A soldier fired a pistol from an officer. He killed three people. Now he has barricaded himself in the military part (airport), “said a TASS source. He attacked around five in the morning while officers conducted a morning check.

The shooting was confirmed by local authorities and the Western Military District, which includes Baltimore Airport.

According to Interfax sources, the shooting took place in an office in the airport building, where the perpetrator barricaded himself. It is now being negotiated. According to one source from the agency, 20-year-old Anton Makarov, who is on compulsory military service, shot. According to the newspaper Kommersant, he attacked a guard with a fire ax and took his rifle.

The airport is part of the military air academy of Professor Zhukovsky and Gagarin. It has been reconstructed for seven years. Last December, it was stated that the repair would end by October this year. The runway allows takeoffs of all types of military and civilian aircraft.

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