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A powerful explosion tore through a gigantic gaping hole in space and produced new stars

The supernova explosion may have created a hole in the universe.

ESO / SpaceEngine / L. Way

There is a big hole in the universe. Long ago, a star exploded with great force and destroyed everything in its path. It even sweeps tiny particles of space dust out of its way – but in a sudden event, the space dust collects, collapses and eventually gives birth to a cluster of tiny stars.

As the saying goes, it is a circle of life.

said lead author Shmuel Bialy, an astrophysicist at the Institute for Theory and Computing at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

The story begins with a spherical void several million years old and 500 light-years wide that lurks in outer space. To be clear, this completely empty cavity is quite large. One Light years It’s about 6 trillion miles (9 trillion kilometers), which means the void can hold 150,000 copies of our solar system inside.

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