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A mob hits a pot to kill the dictator Feb 10, the government ignores the release of the Thai people starving to death – Post Today Political news

A mob organizes a rally to beat the dictator Feb 10, the government ignores the release of the Thai people starve

Date 08 February 2021 time 17:05

The mob holds a rally to hit the pot to chase the dictator, Feb. 10, at 5 p.m. at the Sky Walk at Pathumwan intersection. Revealed as a gathering of people who do not have to eat cause the state ignores

On February 8, the Facebook page “Thammasat Alliance and Rally”, which is the main communication channel of the people’s group. Has posted the next movement announcement on Feb. 10 at 5:00 p.m. at the Skywalk at Pathumwan Intersection.

The page stated that # Mob, February 10, gather people there is no food to eat. Hit the pot, chase the dictator See you at the Skywalk in front of MBK Center 10 February 2021 from 5:00 PM onwards.

People together with the Labor Network for People’s Rights Together to declare strong That we will not tolerate any more

When the Prayut government continues to ignore the suffering of the people Let the Thai people starve to death Accepting all karma, no work has money to heal. Even though those affected by disease control measures are demanding Submit a letter requesting fairness, not except each day. The government also solved the problem in a frightening manner. Work hard Why is this kind of government for !!

Prepare a pot, prepare wood to knock Shouting out the dictators in the useless government together

We ask for cooperation, everyone wear masks – spaced – carry hand sanitiser to help keep themselves and others safe from COVID. 19 # Mob 10 February # People #TheRatsadon

While Mr. Prit Chivarak or Penguin, one of the leaders of the people group Facebook posts about such activities, who can not stand it with this government. After work and after school, take the pot out of the house and beat the dictators together at the Skywalk BTS National Stadium in front of MBK at 5:00 PM. Hit the dictator that the people don’t take you!

Please wear a mask Carry hand sanitizer and keep a distance during the activity, who doesn’t have a pot can hit a water bottle or something else that makes noise.

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