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A long lost moon could be responsible for Saturn’s rings

Saturn is one of the most dazzling planets in our Solar System. Its beautiful rings make it stand out from virtually every other planet that calls our region of space home. This beauty and these rings have long seemed almost mystical to astronomers. And for many, those same rings have remained a mystery. However, a new investigation may have uncovered what the incredible rings that fascinate those who contemplate the planet looked like.

According to the survey results, the origin of Saturn’s rings is a long lost moon.

A vanished moon

So far, we have discovered 82 moons orbiting Saturn. But, a new one a study conducted by a group of researchers states that there may have been 83 moons. Furthermore, it is this 83rd moon that may be responsible for the origin of the rings of Saturn.

Previous investigations of the spectacular planet have shown that the Saturn's rings are only about 100 million years old, much younger than the planet itself. While this may be a topic of much debate, this new study was published in the journal Science states that the aging of these rings could be linked to an event around 160 million years ago.

Illustration of the rings of Saturn

Moon that has come closest to the giant Saturn

Researchers say the 83rd moon has become unstable and its orbit has swung too close to Saturn. When this happened, the moon experienced what researchers call a "herding meeting" and the moon was torn apart. While the gas giant would have swallowed much of the moon's mass and material, a small percentage likely remained, serving as the origin of Saturn's rings.

It's an intriguing idea and just one of many possible explanations. To uncover this possibility, the researchers say they used computer modeling transmitted in measurements made in 2017. NASA's Cassini mission had just completed a 13-year period exploring Saturn and its moons, gathering more information than ever about the gas giant.

But the researchers say the lost moon theory isn't just a possibility for the origin of Saturn's rings. It may also shed light on two other intriguing characteristics: Saturn is known for its unusual inclination and the strange orbit in which it is located. Titan, one of Saturn's moons, now follows. Previously, scientists believed that Neptune, the planet close to Saturn, was responsible for its tilt.

However, the loss of this moon, which the researchers named Chrysalis, may have led them to leave Saturn at its current inclination. It is unclear whether or not this long-lost moon theory is the true origin of Saturn's rings. Still, it's an interesting hypothesis, and perhaps more spacecraft investigations and observations James Webb it could help provide further evidence to prove or disprove it.

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