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A hundred retired doctors volunteer to vaccinate | BE Malaga | Hour 14 Malaga

The Malaga Medical College (Commálaga) has started the procedure so that retired medical professionals who wish to vaccinate against COVID-19 on a voluntary basis can do so thanks to the agreement signed between the Andalusian Council of Medical Associations (CACM) and the Andalusian Health Service (SAS).

In the case of Malaga, there are just over 100 retired volunteer doctors willing to vaccinate and the figure is expected to increase in the coming days after the recruitment campaign that will be launched this Wednesday from the College. Most of the volunteers are already vaccinated, as they are among those at risk by age, and if not, they should receive their corresponding dose before vaccinating third parties.

This has been communicated by the member of Retired Physicians from Commálaga, Ildefonso Fernández-Baca, who has valued the solidarity of doctors, while insisting on a note of the need for the necessary vaccines to reach herd immunity.

The collective of volunteer veterans of the College has been collaborating since the pandemic began carrying out work on tracking COVID cases or answering phone calls. Now, with this agreement between the CACM and the SAS, a collaborative framework is established to promote the participation in vaccination tasks against COVID-19 of retired doctors who have practiced in private medicine or in other administrations other than SAS.

For this reason, the SAS undertakes to provide the material means so that the volunteer professionals can adequately perform their functions, as well as provide them with the support of the human resources they need for their tasks. For its part, the CACM has assumed accident insurance to cover the needs of this group and the necessary training.

Retired personnel who join these vaccination actions must follow the instructions established by the SAS regarding the development of the activity. In addition, they will be given the necessary training to correctly carry out the task, as happened with the tracking tasks.

The president of the CACM, Antonio Aguado Núñez-Cornejo, has ensured that “this collaboration of volunteer doctors is one more example of the vocation of our professionals in the face of the pandemic, who offer themselves selflessly to fight the disease and ensure the health of patients without receiving any consideration and interest, nothing more than the willingness to reach out for patients, as they have always done. “

The SAS, in the words of its Managing Director, Miguel Ángel Guzmán, wanted to “openly acknowledge and thank these professionals for this voluntary offer and their desire to make their experience and time available to Andalusians”.

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