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A dog steals a car in Texas and drives it until it causes an accident

Shopping malls are often the scene of multitude of road accidents. These are light blows, scratches and bumps at low speed, the result of the need of some to find a place before others and of the desire of others to leave that human swarm as soon as possible. But, sometimes, reality offers us more believable news than movies.

Kilgore is a small town of just 15,000 inhabitants in the US state of Texas, located a couple of hours’ drive east of Dallas. There a dog became the best known pet in the entire state after be involved in an accident with its owner’s car, who had left it inside the vehicle parked in the mall.

The story was told by the Kilgore police themselves through a post on their Facebook profile. Apparently, the dog’s owner entered the mall, leaving his pet inside his car, a large truck. But when the animal got tired of waiting, he climbed into the front seat, managed to start the vehicle and drove away with the. A real four-legged thief.

caused an accident

Unfortunately the dog couldn’t get very far because, although he managed to start the car, he still hasn’t learned to drive it. That’s why your runaway robbery it ended a few meters after it started: it hit two cars that were parked in the mall. And, although they saw him coming towards them, there was nothing they could do to prevent the accident.

Kilgore Police Say ‘Dog Had Guilty Look’

The driver of the vehicle that was hit was stunned when he saw this who was driving the other car… was a dog! Apparently, he must have been nervous about his owners being late, and by shifting into the front seat he was able to start the car first and then shift into gear. Fortunately the impact occurred at low speed and no one was injured.

Several witnesses confirmed that the animal was behind the wheel and the Kilgore police themselves, who took several photos of the accident, acknowledge that “the dog had a guilty look“. His owner will have to pay the costs of the accident … and, incidentally, receive a good reprimand for leaving his pet alone in the vehicle for so long.

Shopping malls are often the scene of multitude of road accidents. These are light blows, scratches and bumps at low speed, the result of the need of some to find a place before others and of the desire of others to leave that human swarm as soon as possible. But, sometimes, reality offers us more believable news than movies.

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