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a defamation complaint filed following Emmanuel Macron’s visit to CAF

A defamation complaint was filed following Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Touraine on January 5. The Head of State then went to the CAF of Indre-et-Loire to talk about the guarantee system for unpaid pensions. On this occasion, he had met several mothers of Touraine families. In a video posted on Emmanuel Macron’s official Instagram account, we see one of them evoke the absence of pensions paid by her ex-spouse. And it is precisely this one who is complaining today, because he feels unfairly questioned.

“It makes a lot of noise”

In this video, his ex-partner talks about a period of “18 months” during which she did “with almost nothing”. A lie according to him, which was relayed to the president’s official account. “It makes a lot of noise. We are not on something that can remain local, we are on something that becomes national; which is seen by people who do not know this person, who do not know me, who do an opinion”.

Negative consequences on his professional life

What he deplores is that another video where we see his ex-girlfriend alongside Emmanuel Macron was also relayed on the latter’s Instagram account, which has 65,000 subscribers. He who is an entrepreneur says he has seen it the impact in relations with its customers. “On four occasions, in the same week following this broadcast, I had comments from four clients who made the connection, who told me it’s very surprising, you are a good provider with us , we make you a significant turnover, it would still be good if you could pay your pension, you have children! “

“It’s very difficult to defend against it”

Blames him for what he calls_“the power of micro media like Instagram and Facebook_, with a whole network of influencers who have a bigger voice than ordinary people and who with this system can get any word out. It’s very difficult to defend yourself against it “.

He has already filed a dozen complaints against his ex-partner, complaints which have so far not been successful. We have contacted the Elysee on multiple occasions to find out more about the editing and distribution of the videos in question. To date we have had no response.

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