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a creamer-cheese certificate is emerging to meet demand

Joué-lès-Tours Trades and Crafts Campus has just launched a Dairy-Cheese CAP. It is the first in the Center Val-de-Loire region. This formation can be prepared in one year and is aimed at people who already hold at least a CAP. This training has just started. There are seven of them for this first promotion, they will undergo 400 hours of training, most of which are two days of training per week and three days in the workplace.

They come from very different backgrounds.

Among the seven work-study students, one is a lawyer, another works in mass distribution, Manon has a license in the performing arts, 19-year-old Fiona has a degree in literature, she stopped everything because of the health crisis: “My goal was to open a bookstore, I always wanted to be close to the customer, to be able to advise him, to be useful and to bring something to others. The cheese factory is a bit in the same style except that it’s cheese! I have always done small catering student jobs. Since I was very young, I have loved cheese and French gastronomy, which is why today I naturally go to the cheese factory.“.

The cheesemakers were asking

This creamer-cheese maker CAP complements the training already provided at the Campus, those relating to the catering trade. This training is a first in the Center Val-de-Loire region, explains Benjamin Dechelle, director of the Joué-lès-Tours Trades and Crafts Campus: “When we ask the various prescribers such as the Pôle Emploi, we knew that there were touches on this side, but it was above all the profession that told us that we needed to recruit, to look for people, people trained on the heap but having a diploma reinforces employability. Today we have seven, in a year we will be double and we hope that it will continue“.

Selling cheese and providing advice is a skill

Jean Marie Boutet is the largest independent cheese maker in Indre-et-Loire. It has six stores in the department, Saint-Avertin, Fondettes, Azay-le-Rideau, Ballan-Miré, Montlouis-sur-Loire and Luynes: “We can only develop our activity if we have competent staff, it is the sinews of war today. In the cheese factory, being a simple salesperson is not enough, you need a real knowledge in order to give advice because if our customers come to us it is to consume good products. This CAP is a boon for us“.

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