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A Covid-19 Patient Dies After 3 Hours of Experiencing a Painful Erection, Called a Side Effect of the Virus

A Covid-19 Patient Dies After 3 Hours of Experiencing a Painful Erection, Called a Side Effect of Virus

BANGKAPOS.COM — A Covid-19 patients This unidentified person is suffering from strange Covid-19 symptoms.

The Covid-19 patient is known to have died after experiencing a disease side effects of the strange Covid-19.

Patients suffering from strange Covid-19 symptoms are called priapism or erection unintentional and painful for hours on end.

Reportedly, in one of the most shocking cases related to Covid-19, a male patient reportedly died from complications caused by the virus.

Including side effects which rarely happens where it has to endure erection for 3 painful hours.

Launching from the World of Buzz, the case was published in The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

The nationality of the man was not disclosed. The report referred to Covid-19 data for the United States.

On January 1, 2021, the obese 69-year-old man had to be admitted to the emergency room after experiencing shortness of breath.

The man took the medicine the doctor had prescribed him for shortness of breath but still did not help his condition.

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