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A cat with four ears finds a home and her photos triumph on Instagram

A gray cat named Midas has finally found a home after becoming a viral phenomenon on social media for its peculiar appearance. Unlike other cats, the kitten has two additional little ears that peek below normal.

This quirk of genetics could have been inherited from their parents, indicates the Ladbible portal. The little extra ears do not help you hear better but they don’t cause problems in that sense either.

I dont give credit!!!

The four-month-old feline was adopted by a Turkish woman who already had a dog and another cat, and she was noticed thanks to the photos posted by the employees of the animal shelter where he was, relata RT.

The owner of Midas hopes that she will adapt perfectly to her new playmates. In addition, so that their you would run and mischief, has created you an Instagram profile that already has more than 26,000 followers.

Very photogenic.

And as if the detail of the four ears was enough, Midas has a beautiful stain white heart-shaped on her belly. It’s so cute. I eat it!!! ????

PD. The cats, some classics of yesterday and today on the internet. That is why I leave you other ‘feline stories’ worthy of appearing in an almanac.

The world upside down: a cat barks like a dog

a cute kitty, raised with some dogs, learned to bark and to behave like a canid. A skill that clearly demonstrates in a video that has become a viral phenomenon in the social networks.

In a recording, shared on Twitter, you can see the feline supported by its owner who sends kisses. In response, and to everyone’s surprise, the kitten barks. A dog in a cat’s body !!! Read the rest of the entry »

An annoying cat pushes the limits with a dog and gets what he deserves

This little can show infinite patience with his feline companion, but everything has a limit.

After stoically holding almost motionless on the sofa, which Tancredo in a bullring, the dog reaches the end of its patience without warning. Read the rest of the entry »

A cat faces three dogs and saves her kitten from being eaten

A cat defended, with claws and teeth, to her young when she was being attacked by three stray dogs who cornered her in a market in the town of Adana (Turkey).

In the recording, captured by a security camera of the enclosure, you can see how the pussycat recoils while face the triple threat, when suddenly, the mother cat comes to the rescue, who does not hesitate to risk his life to save his little one from being eaten. Read the rest of the entry »

A cat is thrown from the fifth floor of a burning building and saves his life

The surprising moment in which a cat is thrown from the fifth floor of a burning building, located in the city of Chicago (EE UU), has overwhelmed thousands of users in the social networks.

The video of the ‘gliding’ was recorded by a firefighter, which captured the exact moment in which the pussycat Jump out the window to save his life, as recounted SDPnoticias. Read the rest of the entry »

The face of a cat when seeing its owner stroking another is unparalleled

In social networks it has run like wildfire a video showing the tender reaction of a cat seeing its owner making cute to another feline.

In the pictures, published in TikTok and reproduced more than 534,000 times, the owner is seen reclining in an armchair caressing a pussycat. Read the rest of the entry »

He tries to kill a rat with the help of his cat and their cowardice makes them famous

The video of a fearless young man who in the company of his pet tries to kill a rat hidden behind the sink, has become a phenomenon on social media and not precisely because of the courage of its protagonists.

Armed with a broom, the boy makes the rodent come out of his hiding place and, immediately afterwards, starts screaming hysterically like if tomorrow does not exist. Nor that I had seen Godzilla!!! Read the rest of the entry »

This cat discovers by the braves how music soothes the beasts

Man will never understand small outbursts of anger of a domestic cat, something for no apparent logical reason, like a cactus dying or be a follower of the Atlético de Madrid.

This little beast is taken with very bad fleas that they stop him in his eagerness to conquer the world and its owner does not hesitate to use a surefire way to calm him down. Read the rest of the entry »

The video that shows why “curiosity killed the cat”

Like in almost any species, there are always certain individuals capable of misrepresent skills of their peers, and more if you end up ‘going viral’ on the internet and you are a cat, the absolute king of the network.

It is little feline smashes all myths on agility and dexterity of his kind, with an exercise that we do not believe would be worth his aspirations to enter the famous Circus of the Sun. Read the rest of the entry »

The ‘magic touch’ of a cat that makes a dog “put the turbo”

Two adorable pets they play any day on the carpeted staircase of a house. How cute!!!

At a certain moment, the cat throws a ‘harmless slap’ at the dog, what seconds later, starts running like it’s remote controlled and someone, with a very bad temper, would have pressed the ‘total lag’ peg. OO Read the rest of the entry »

(Photo: midas_x24INSTAGRAM)

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