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Good Food for Heart Disease

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Sufferers heart disease can’t eat just any food. Because certain types of food can trigger an increase in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol.

For that, consider foods that are good for heart disease in order to maximize the health of your heart.

Diet and heart disease

Foto: Istockphoto/stevanovicigor
Heart disease diet: Discipline in consuming healthy foods is an absolute requirement for a healthy heart.-

Heart disease accounts for nearly a third of deaths worldwide.

Meanwhile in Indonesia, referring to the Riskesdas for the Ministry of Health in 2018 shows that the prevalence of heart disease is classified as the highest at 1.5 percent.

This means that awareness is needed to prevent heart disease and premature death from heart disease, namely by avoiding risk factors.

One of the risk factors for heart disease is an unhealthy diet or diet. Certain types of food can affect blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation, all of which are triggers for heart disease.

Thus, the discipline of consuming healthy foods is an absolute requirement for a healthy heart.

According to studies, the vitamin K in green leafy vegetables can help lower blood pressure and improve arterial function, he said Healthline.

However, not only green vegetables are good for heart disease prevention, many other healthy foods are recommended.

The following is a list of foods that are good for heart disease and abstinence, summarized from various health journals.

Heart Disease Food Abstinence

If you have been diagnosed with heart disease, be it coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart attack, and so on, here are dietary restrictions that should be avoided.

1. Foods high in fat and cholesterol

illustration of nasi padangPhoto: Istockphoto / Satriady Utomo
Illustration of nasi padang. Foods with high coconut milk content can trigger a rise in cholesterol-

Cholesterol and excess fat causes obstruction of the flow of oxygen to the heart.

Heart sufferers are strictly prohibited from eating foods such as mutton, duck, crab, shrimp, butter, cheese and coconut milk. Then, fried and fast food (fast food), processed foods such as corned beef, nuggets, sausages.

This is because the type of processed meat has undergone a processing process that is added with preservatives in the form of high nitrite and salt.

Launching from a health journal Cleveland Clinic, salt can raise blood pressure and reduce the flow of blood that carries oxygen to the heart.

Lack of oxygen in the blood can force the heart to pump harder which can result in a heart attack or stroke.

2. Refined carbohydrates

People with heart disease have several dietary restrictions on carbohydrates. Heart patients are prohibited from consuming instant cereals, instant noodles, mayonnaise, and foods or drinks with high sugar and trans fat content.

If you like to add mayonnaise to your salad or side dish, it’s best to stop it altogether or replace it with plain yogurt. Olive oil can also be the best dressing or salad dressing option.

3. Fast food

Burger illustrationFoto: Raw Pixel
Burgers, fries, and other fast food are taboo foods for heart disease –

Fast food does taste very delicious and is popular with many people of all ages. However, fast food is not recommended for people with heart disease.

Fast food is low in fiber and nutrients. In addition, high levels of sodium, trans fats, carbohydrates, and sugars are not only bad for the heart, but also disturb the liver, kidneys and planning system.

Fast food that most should avoid is French fries, potato chips, burgers.

4. Sweet foods and drinks

A study conducted on more than 30,000 people found that those who consumed 17 to 21 percent of their calories from excess sugar were more likely to die from heart disease.

In addition, foods or drinks high in sugar can lead to obesity. Obesity reduces the elasticity of blood vessels, so they are easy to stiffen and experience narrowing. This is the reason obese people are prone to atherosclerosis which leads to coronary heart disease.

In order to avoid heart attacks and obesity, stop consuming candied fruit, candy, sweet cakes, chocolate, ice cream, soda, syrup, and other sweet snacks.

We recommend that you replace it with low-fat yogurt, fresh fruit, or almonds. Infused water and natural fruit juices without sugar can be a substitute for soda.

Good Food for Heart Disease

Vegetable Wash IllustrationFoto: ImagesBG/Pixabay
Vegetable illustration. Good food for heart disease-

1. Green vegetables

Green vegetables are good friends for heart disease sufferers. A healthy diet is never excluded from this menu. The variety of nutrients in green vegetables can reduce the risk of heart attack.

Of the many green vegetables, broccoli, spinach, kale, mustard greens, pakcoy, and asparagus are the best choices. These vegetables contain vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, potassium, calcium and fiber which help the heart function normally.

But if you want to process it, sauté it with a little salt or make salad so that the benefits of green vegetables are still obtained.

2. Potatoes

The potassium content in potatoes plays a role in lowering blood pressure so that it is good for the heart. Potatoes can replace white rice in your daily diet plus green vegetables.

Always remember, don’t consume potatoes by frying them because cooking oil is a source of cholesterol. The best way to eat potatoes for people with heart disease is to steam or boil them.

3. Fish

Salmon teriyaki illustrationFoto: 916237/Pixabay
Salmon is a good food for heart disease because it improves blood vessel health-

Health site Mayo Clinic revealed fish containing omega 3 fatty acids can help reduce cholesterol and improve blood vessel health.

Types of fish with omega 3 fatty acids, namely sardines, tuna and salmon. Sardines and tuna, can be found in traditional markets and the price is relatively cheaper than salmon.

Make sure not to use excess oil or butter when cooking fish. Baking can be the right choice.

Consume at least 150 grams of fish a week to maintain heart health.

4. Oatmeal and whole wheat

Oatmeal and whole wheat are made from oat plants which are rich in fiber. The fiber content can reduce cholesterol levels so that it prevents the formation of plaque in arteries.

Oatmeal works like a sponge in the digestive tract that can absorb cholesterol, so it is not absorbed by the bloodstream.

Avoid consuming instant oatmeal because it often contains artificial sweeteners. For that, always pay attention and read nutrition labels every time you want to eat packaged food.

5. Tomatoes

Tomato illustrationFoto: WDnet/Pixabay
Tomatoes are a good food for heart disease because they help reduce triglyceride levels-

The natural red color in tomatoes contains the antioxidant lycopene, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

A Nutrition Journal study states that drinking sugar-free tomato juice for 8 weeks can reduce triglyceride levels, which block blood flow and trigger heart attacks.

The types of foods that are good for heart disease may have something that doesn’t match your taste or is too expensive.

Don’t be confused, you can replace it with fruit that is more affordable. Fruits for heart disease include avocado, grapes, bananas, oranges, melons, papayas, strawberries, and apples.

The vitamin content in these fruits is good and rich in fiber so it is good for the heart.

Implementing a healthy diet for a healthy heart is quite difficult. But with intention and consistency, it will slowly turn into a lifestyle. However, for heart sufferers, it is advisable to always check blood pressure and consult a doctor regularly.


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