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15 Symptoms of Lung Infection, Causes, and How to Treat It

Lung infections can cause various health complications. Respiratory failure, sepsis, organ failure, and even death can be caused by an infection in the lungs.

In this article, we will look at the various symptoms of a lung infection, its causes and how to treat it. For those of you who want to know more about this condition, let’s look at the discussion below!

Lung Infection Causes

Lung infection conditions are certainly triggered by various factors. Reporting from Very Well Health and Healthline, the following are the causes of lung infections.

1. Virus

Viruses are one of the causes of infection in the lungs. When the virus attacks and the immune condition is not strong enough, there is a possibility that the lungs will get an infection.

2. Bacteria

Bacteria can also be a cause of lung infection conditions. Bacterial pneumonia is a disease of the lungs caused by a bacterial infection.

Lung Infection Symptoms

If the lungs are infected, they will usually cause certain characteristics or symptoms. Reporting from Healthline and Very Well Health, the following are symptoms of a lung infection.

1. Cough

Coughing is the most common symptom when there is an infection in the lungs. The condition is usually accompanied by the appearance of phlegm.

2. Slime Production

When the lungs are infected, the body will secrete clear, yellow, green, brown, or rust-colored mucus. This mucus is usually accompanied by coughing so that symptoms of coughing up phlegm appear.

3. Colds

A cold or runny nose will also be felt by someone who has a lung infection. This will happen because the body produces mucus very much.

4. Wheezing

Wheezing or wheezing is a whistling sound that is heard when breathing. Normally, breathing doesn’t make any sound, a wheezing condition indicates something is wrong with the condition of the lungs.

5. Fever

A person who has a lung infection is also characterized by a high fever. This fever is the body’s response when infected by bacteria.

6. Shivering

High fever also causes sufferers to feel chills. In addition, his body will also sweat which makes his body wet.

7. Upper Respiratory Symptoms

Reporting from Very Well Health, this condition will cause symptoms in the upper respiratory system. Nasal congestion and sore throat are symptoms that may appear.

8. Shortness of Breath

Lung infections can make it difficult for sufferers to breathe. Lung infection will cause narrowing of the respiratory tract which makes it difficult for sufferers to breathe.

9. Chest Pain

Pain in the chest will also arise due to infection that occurs in the lungs. The pain will usually feel worse when the patient coughs.

10. Fatigue

Lung infections make sufferers feel excessively tired. This tired feeling arises because the body is trying to fight the infection that occurs.

11. Limp

The fatigue felt by sufferers will make them weak. They will look very limp and weak because the body is fighting an infection.

12. Muscle Pain

Lung infections cause symptoms of muscle pain or myalgia. The muscles will feel sore which makes the sufferer feel uncomfortable.

13. Loss of Appetite

Appetite will also be lost in patients with lung infection conditions. Therefore, sufferers also have the potential to experience weight loss.

14. Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and wanting to vomit will also be felt by someone who has a lung infection. The sufferer will feel uncomfortable in his stomach and feel like vomiting.

15. Bluish Skin

Quoted from Healthline, sufferers will also show symptoms in the form of skin that becomes bluish. This condition is triggered by a lack of oxygen levels because the patient has difficulty breathing.

How to Treat a Lung Infection

Lung infection conditions must be treated immediately because this condition can cause serious complications. Reporting from the Very Well Health page, here are ways to treat lung infections.

1. Home Remedies

Here are some ways to do home remedies:

  • Take medications such as tylenol, ibuprofen, or cough/cold medicines.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Use a humidifier or vaporizer.
  • Consume warm tea mixed with honey.

2. Medical treatment

Lung infections require medical treatment if symptoms are severe. For example, someone with reactive airway disease may need an inhaler that opens the airways and corticosteroids to help with inflammation.

In infections caused by bacteria, doctors will usually give antibiotics. Giving antibiotics will be adjusted to the bacteria that cause infection.

If the sufferer experiences symptoms that are considered severe, then you should immediately go to the nearest health service. The doctor will help the patient by providing the right treatment.

How to Prevent Lung Infections

You can minimize the risk of getting a lung infection by taking various preventive steps. Reporting from Healthline, here is the prevention of lung infections.

1. Wash Hands Regularly

Washing your hands regularly and keeping your body clean will prevent you from viruses and bacteria. With the disappearance of viruses and bacteria, the risk of getting sick is even smaller.

2. Avoid Touching Your Face or Mouth

Viruses or bacteria that attack the body may enter through the mouth. Therefore, avoid touching your mouth too often or make sure your hands are clean when touching your mouth.

3. Avoid Sharing Equipment

Sharing food utensils or cleaning equipment also increases the risk of developing lung disease. This habit will further increase the potential for the spread of viruses and bacteria.

4. Avoid Smoking

Smoking habits will have a negative impact on the health of the respiratory organs. Therefore, avoid this bad habit.

How long does it take to treat a lung infection?

There is no definite time in the healing process of lung infections. Reporting from Very Well Health, treatment for lung infections depends on the type of disease caused by lung infections.

Food Abstinence During Lung Infection

The food consumed greatly affects the health of the body, including the lungs. Reporting from WebMD, here is a list of foods to avoid to maintain lung health.

1. Processed Meat

Processed meats can reduce lung function causing inflammation and pressure on the lungs. This is caused by the use of nitrites used to preserve the meat.

2. Alcohol

Drinking alcohol in excess has a bad impact on the body, including the lungs. The sulphites in alcohol can exacerbate symptoms and the ethanol will affect lung cells.

3. Too Much Salt

Consumption of salt that is too high has a tendency for someone to experience bronchitis in the long term. In addition, sodium can also exacerbate asthma symptoms.

So, that’s the discussion about lung infections, starting from the causes, symptoms, treatment, to how to prevent it. Always maintain the health of your respiratory organs so you can avoid this condition.

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