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Causes of Peeling Car Paint and Tips for Overcoming Them

You need to know the causes of peeling car paint. The paint on a car that is peeling has various causes that can occur. If cat mobil Peeling certainly makes the owners uncomfortable.

Car owners may become insecure when driving a car. Therefore, you must know the cause of peeling paint on the vehicle so you can deal with it immediately.

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These are the Causes of Peeling Car Paint that You Can Know

Peeling car paint is a problem that often occurs. If the car is aged 5 years and over, it can allow the paint to peel off more quickly.

Especially if the car is often parked in direct sunlight. Peeling car paint certainly disturbs its appearance.

Besides that, it can also make the car body become rusty. Generally, repairs can be done directly at an official or general workshop.

Usually the workshop will repaint per panel or as a whole. The cause of peeling car paint can occur due to several factors.

How many of these factors are like sunlight and being hit by other objects. In addition, mistakes in painting techniques can also cause the paint to peel off.

If you don’t want your car’s paint to peel off, you should always park it in the garage. Meanwhile, if it is not possible to park in the garage, you should use a car cover.

You can do this to minimize damage caused by the weather. If you want to repaint, make sure to use the correct technique.

Before application, it is better to sand the car body first. If the car is still dirty, of course it can make the paint not stick properly.

Therefore, you should always be careful when you want to repair it to a repair shop. We recommend that you choose a repair shop that has professional technicians.

Not only that, choose a workshop that has qualified equipment. You can do this to get the results you want.

Tips for Overcoming Peeling Car Paint

The cause of peeling car paint is one of the problems that often occurs. To make repairs, of course, you can come directly to the workshop. However, for those who don’t have enough money, they can do their own repairs.

When doing repairs yourself, of course you can minimize expenses. However, you still have to use the right steps as follows.

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Clean the Exfoliated Parts First

The first step is to clean the peeled part first before painting. Make sure you have thoroughly cleaned the chipped surface.

If the surface is still dirty or has mold and water, it can cause the car paint to not stick properly. To clean the dirt, you can use warm water and safe soap.

Use White Compound

You can use a type of white compound to disguise scratches. The white compound has abrasive properties and is not as harsh as the red compound. However, still use it carefully so as not to scratch the car body.

After you have successfully applied the compound, let it sit for a few minutes. Let stand first so that the components really blend.

Use Paint of the Same Color

When going to paint a chipped car, make sure to use the same color. Car paint has a different code even though the paint is the same.

Therefore, make sure to choose the right color so that it looks harmonious. Choosing the same color paint can also help cover up light scratches.

Use a soft brush so that it doesn’t occur when applying paint. When the painting process is complete, wait a moment until the paint dries.

When it’s completely dry, apply yellow compound to make it even. After that, wipe the surface until the color is the same as the others.

Use Varnish on Car Paint

The next tip for dealing with peeling car paint is to use varnish on car paint. Varnish or clear coat is the last layer of colorless car paint.

The function of this varnish is to bring out the original color of the paint so it looks shiny. Not only that, varnish can also protect the color of car paint so it doesn’t fade easily.

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Do Compounds Damage Car Paint?

If you use the wrong compound, such as the wrong type or method of use, it can be fatal for car paint. Using the wrong compound can make the car paint thinner. Compound has abrasive properties so that the affected part can be eroded.

Therefore, its use must be precise and appropriate. We recommend using a compound that suits your needs. In addition, you also have to pay attention to how to use it so that it doesn’t further damage the car’s paint.

That’s a review of the causes of peeling car paint that you can find out. You can fix the peeling car paint yourself or by using a repair shop. (R10/HR-Online)

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