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The meaning of “paralyzed duck” in politics as Andi Arief says


The term “lame duck” is used by politicians Democratic party, Andi Ariefto criticize the condition of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the moment. What does this term actually mean?

The term ‘lame duck’ is a translation of the political term in English, namely ‘lame duck’. This term refers to the condition of a leader who no longer has strong influence because there is already a successor in the future.

Let’s look at the definition from Merriam-Webster, the publisher of the oldest dictionary in the United States, dating back to 1831. detikcom access websiteit, Monday (11/28/2022). There are three meanings:

1. Someone who is weak or lagging behind in terms of skills or achievements. In British English terms, the term “lame duck” is the same as “sick company” .

2. Official election result Officials or groups still holding political office between the election and the appointment of a successor.

3. A person whose position or tenure will soon end.

An example sentence presented in Merriam-Webster is “The president is a lame duck at the end of his second term.”

The term “lame duck” has been used since 1761 in the meaning of the number 1 above.

Cambridge Dictionary on his website he defines lame duck with similar meanings. First, as a noun, lame duck is “an unsuccessful person or thing”.

The second meaning is “lame duck” as a political term. This is what it means:

An elected official whose power is reduced because someone has already been elected to replace him.”

In the “American Dictionary”, “lame duck” is “A person who still has time to fulfill his position as a legally elected person even if he subsequently no longer participates in elections, so that person has no real power”.

According to reports from the BBC, the “lame president” or “lame president” in US election terms is a president who wants to leave office (demisioner) whose successor has been elected. If the incumbent loses, there will be a two-month period between the winner of the election and the winner’s inauguration. The incumbent president becomes less powerful again because all officials know that the president won’t be in office for long.

Terms in the United States Congress

In the United States (USA) Congress, the term “lame duck” is used without any particular tendency except as a simple term to refer to a particular session. Quoted from Official site of the United States Senatethere is the term “Paralyzed Duck Session” which has been used from 1940 until today.

The Lame Duck Session is the session in which the United States Congress is held after the November elections and before the start of the new Congress. Prior to the adoption of the 20th Amendment to the Constitution (1933), new Congresses were held in December of odd-numbered years, allowing the former Congress to meet and pass laws for over a year.

FILE – The sun shines on the Capitol dome in Washington on Friday, August 12, 2022. A man drove his car into a barricade near the United States Capitol early on Sunday, August 14, 2022, and then began firing shots at gunshot in the air before killing himself, police said. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File) Photo: AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File

But after the 1933 amendment, the rules changed. The date for the new Congress becomes January 3 of odd-numbered years, shortening the time between the election and the start of the next Congress to just two months. Since then, Congress has met in “scattered sessions” to resolve urgent or unfinished business.

Used by Andi Arief

The term “lame duck” was used again by the chairman of the election-winning body of the Democratic Party, Andi Arief. He called Jokowi a leader who has entered the lame duck phase. The symptom is that Jokowi is seen trying to strengthen himself by recruiting volunteers. The problem is that support from political parties weakened before 2024.

“In general, Jokowi can be read as entering the lame duck phase. In politics, it’s normal. He tries to strengthen himself in these ways,” Andi Arief said yesterday when contacted by reporters on Sunday (11/27 ).

He was commenting on the United Nusantara volunteer event at Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta on Saturday (11/26). Jokowi directly participated in the event.

Watch also the video ‘Andi Arief Sentil NasDem, Democrat: sorry if the ‘viewers’ were disappointed’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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