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Phenomenon November 3, 2022 noon early, check the explanation


Phenomenon November 3, 2022, what is that? Every 3rd November there are natural phenomena that are not as common as on other dates or months. You know, noon will arrive earlier than usual.

To find out more, see the following explanation of the natural phenomenon of November 3, 2022.

What happened on November 3, 2022? The phenomenon of November 3, 2022 is a natural phenomenon of the arrival of noon earlier than usual. As reported by the official BRIN website, the cause of this phenomenon occurs because the greater time average value is more positive, so the sun will reach its highest point earlier than normal days of the year.

Phenomenon November 3, 2022 noon early, check the information | Photo: Special (doc. Instagram @lapan_ri)

What is the impact of the phenomenon of November 3, 2022?

BRIN researcher Andi Pangerang explained that in general, the impact of the phenomenon of November 3, 2022, or the first noon, will cause the time of dawn, the time of dhuha, the sunrise and the dawn. start faster than on other days. This is especially true of the southern part of Indonesia, such as Java and Nusa Tenggara.

“This is because the length of the night is getting shorter than the length of the day for the southern hemisphere in general, along with an earlier noon, so these three prayer times are getting faster,” he explained.

In addition, the phenomenon of November 3, 2022 at noon in advance will result in the sunset time, i.e. sunset time and isha time, as well as the end of twilight will arrive earlier than the other days. This happened mainly for the northern part of Indonesia such as Aceh, North Sumatra, Kep. Natuna (Province of the Riau Islands), North Kalimantan and Kep. Sangir-Talaud (North Sulawesi).

“This phenomenon is due to the longer duration of the night compared to the length of the day for the Northern Hemisphere in general, coupled with the preceding noon, so that these two prayer times become faster. Furthermore, the length of the solar day are exactly 24 hours, “Andi said.

BRIN’s explanation of the phenomenon of November 3, 2022

In addition, BRIN researcher Andi Pangerang explained the time average relating to the phenomenon of November 3, 2022.

“The temporal average is the difference between the real solar time and the average solar time. The average of the time is influenced by two factors, namely the inclination of the Earth’s axis and the ellipticity of the Earth’s orbit”, LAPAN BRIN’s official Instagram (11/01/2022) said Tuesday.

The following are the factors that affect the frequency of time:

1. The inclination of the earth’s axis

When the tilt of the Earth’s axis from equilibrium points towards its maximum deviation (September-December and March-June), the sun will pass faster.

Meanwhile, when the tilt of the Earth’s axis deviates from the maximum deviation towards the equilibrium point (June-September and December-March), the sun will pass more slowly.

2. The curvature of the earth’s orbit

This occurs when Earth’s orbit is not completely a perfect circle. However, it is an ellipse with an ellipse of 1/60.

This condition is also known as aphelion. As the earth moves away from the point of perihelion towards aphelion (January-July), the sun will pass more slowly.

Meanwhile, as the earth moves away from the aphelion point towards perihelion (July-January), the sun will transit faster. This causes the sun to transit faster in September-December with a peak in early November.

It is known that the average time value at noon phenomenon November 3, 2022 in Indonesia it is +16 minutes 27 seconds.

To determine when it is noon in local time, you can use the following formula:
Noon = 12 + time zone – average of time – longitude / 15


Bandung (longitude = 107 36)
Noon = 12.00 + 7.00 – (+00.16.27) – (107 36/15) = 33.11.09 WIB

(wia / imk)

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