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“Swimming on ice” .. Discover its benefits for the body

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During the review conducted by the researchers, they looked at around 104 studies and found that many of them reported significant health benefits from swimming in cold water.

This can help prevent obesity Andheart disease and blood vessels, but the researchers said the overall health benefits were unclear.

According to the network "News from heaven" In Britain, the review found what appears to be a positive link between Swimming in cold water and brown adipose tissue (BAT).

Wall (BAT) is good body fat that is activated by cold and burning calories To maintain body temperature, different from white fat "bad" that store energy.

The study found that the frequency of ice swimming can significantly increase the sensitivity of Insulin It reduces its concentration in the body.

Completed by researchers from the University of "From" And from the Northern Norway University Hospital study published in the International Journal of Polar Health.

The researchers said much of the available research involved a limited number of people, often of the same sex, with differences Temperature Levels of water and salt.

They added that it was unclear whether winter swimmers enjoyed better health.

Lead author James Mercer said, “There appears to be growing scientific support that voluntary exposure to cold water may have some beneficial health effects.

He added: "Several studies have shown significant effects For a dip in cold water On various physiological and biochemical parameters, but it is difficult to assess the question of whether or not it is beneficial to health.

He concluded by saying: "Without further conclusive studies, the topic will remain a topic of debate."

The researchers warned that swimming inside ice water It also carries risks, such as hypothermia and heart and lung problems associated with heat shock.


During the review conducted by the researchers, they looked at around 104 studies and found that many of them reported significant health benefits from swimming in cold water.

This can help prevent obesity Andheart disease and blood vessels, but the researchers said the overall health benefits were unclear.

According to the British network “Sky News”, the review indicated what appears to be a positive link between Swimming in cold water and brown adipose tissue (BAT).

Wall (BAT) is good body fat that is activated by cold and burning calories To maintain body temperature, it is different from “bad” white fat that stores energy.

The study found that the frequency of ice swimming can significantly increase the sensitivity of Insulin It reduces its concentration in the body.

Researchers from UiT University and Northern Norway University Hospital completed the study, which was published in the International Journal of Polar Health.

The researchers said much of the available research involved a limited number of people, often of the same sex, with differences Temperature Levels of water and salt.

They added that it was unclear whether winter swimmers enjoyed better health.

Lead author James Mercer said, “There appears to be growing scientific support that voluntary exposure to cold water may have some beneficial health effects.

He added: “Many studies have shown significant effects For a dip in cold water On various physiological and biochemical parameters, but it is difficult to assess the question of whether or not it is beneficial to health.

He concluded: “Without further conclusive studies, the topic will remain the subject of debate.”

The researchers warned that swimming inside ice water It also carries risks, such as hypothermia and heart and lung problems associated with heat shock.

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