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The Most Beautiful Star in the Universe With the Brightest Light

The most beautiful stars in the universe are those that have the brightest light. They adorn the night sky with their glitter.

Not all celestial bodies emit their own light. Star is one that can do just that.

The light in stars is the result of nuclear fusion reactions within them. The light they emit is also different.

Get to know the most beautiful stars in the universe

There are different types of stars in this universe. The sun which in fact is the center of energy Solar system we, also belong to the type of star.

Basically, stars are celestial bodies that are able to produce their own light. The energy they produce is enormous.

There are various types of stars, ranging from size, location, heat, and brightness. The sun is the star closest to Earth. Because of its large size, the sun is a source of energy on Earth.

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Of course you must often see the twinkling stars in the night sky. The most beautiful stars in the universe are those that have a bright light.


Sirius is also known as alpha Canis Majoris. If you find the brightest star among all, then it is Sirius.

Sirius’ apparent magnitude scale reaches -1.46. This makes no star visible from Earth as bright as Sirius.

In a binary star system, Sirius consists of three other small stars orbiting each other. Sirius A is the main star of this star system.

Sirius A has about twice the mass of the Sun, 25 times the luminosity of the Sun, and is the brightest of Earth. The Sirius system is 8.6 light years from Earth.

The estimated age of this star is 300 million years. You can see this star from most of the Earth’s surface, except for the southern high latitudes and the northern high latitudes.

Even under certain conditions, you can also see Sirius during the day. Sirius, together with Betelgeuse and Procyon, formed an arterisma known as the Winter Triangle in the night sky.


The most beautiful star in the other universe is Canopus, also known as Suhel, Suhail, or Alda Carinae. Canopus star is included in the classification of type F stars.

That is, Canopus is more massive than the Sun. Canopus is located in the constellation Carina, a yellow-and-white supergiant that is 14,800 brighter than the Sun.

This star is bust in the sky towards the south, so it is difficult to observe in the north. The distance from Earth is 361 light years away.

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This distance makes Canopus 37 times farther than Sirius with an apparent magnitude of -0.72.

Rigil Kentaurus

Being in a binary star system like Sirius, Rigil Kentaurus is also known as Alpha Centauri. Rigil Kentaurus became the brightest and most beautiful star in the next universe.

The binary star system consists of three types of stars, namely Centauri A, B, and C. For those of you who live at latitudes higher than 29°10′ south, this star would be circumpolar.

Centauri has an apparent magnitude of -0.27 which makes it the third brightest star in the night sky.

This star system is the closest on Earth, at 4.3 light-years away. Experts classify this star in the G2V type, which is similar to the Sun.


This next star, apart from being the most beautiful star in the fourth order of the universe, is also included in the group of giant stars. The spectrum of Arcturus is K1,5 IIpe.

This means that Arcturus has a slightly lower temperature than the Sun. Arcturus is also famous for Haris El Sema or Alfa Booties.

It becomes a bright star because it shines at a magnitude of -0.02 at a distance of about 43.9 light years from Earth.

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Arcturus is also a double star system. The companion orbiting it was 20 times fainter.


Last on the list of the brightest prettiest stars is Vega. The star, also known as Wega, Harp, and Alfra Lyrae, has an apparent magnitude of 0.03.

Located at a declination of +38.78°, Vega can only be seen from areas of the Earth above latitude 51°. Because of this, Vega is not observable through Antarctica.

The distance between the star Vega and Earth is 25 light years. This star is included in the A0V classification, where the main sequence star undergoes thermonuclear fusion.

Vega with Altair and Deneb formed a popular asterism called the Summer Triangle. Vega is one of the most beautiful stars in the brightest universe. (R10 / HR-Online / Editor-Ndu)

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