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Cito develops Examination in the Autoimmune Field

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG – Do not underestimate the signs such as fatigue, muscle aches, skin rashes, low-grade fever, hair loss, difficulty concentrating, tingling hands and feet. It could be a symptom of autoimmune, one of the diseases that recently became aware of.

Autoimmunity is a condition when a person’s immune system attacks its own body. A kind of weapon to eat sir. The immune system in the body was created to guard against attacks by foreign organisms, such as viruses and bacteria. They will react quickly by releasing antibody proteins, when disease enters.

However, in people with autoimmune disease, the immune system detects healthy body cells as foreign organisms, such as an incoming disease. Then the body releases antibodies to attack these healthy cells. Therefore, this autoimmune is very dangerous, because the symptoms are different.

“Cito continues to develop examinations in the autoimmune field, so that they can be handled and monitored properly,” said the President Director of the Cito Clinical Laboratory, Dr Dyah Anggraeni at the Comprehensive Webinar Event. Autoimmune Management with the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Semarang City and the Indonesian Rheumatology Association, last Friday (14/1).

The chairman of the Semarang Branch of the Indonesian Rheumatology Association, Dr. Bantar Suntoko, explained that the development of technology and medical examinations is currently increasingly sophisticated. From laboratories that support the diagnosis process, to clinicians who are getting richer in the latest knowledge.

“This activity is good for providing an overview to clinicians in diagnosing and managing autoimmune diseases, so they can treat them appropriately,” he explained.

Various symptoms and signs that can be felt by this autoimmune sufferer. The cause, is not known with certainty, but several factors can increase a person’s risk for developing autoimmune diseases. For example, women, on average, have a family history of autoimmune disease, obesity, or being overweight (overweight), smoking habits, frequent use of drugs that affect immunity, such as simvastatin or antibiotics, exposure to chemicals or sunlight, bacterial or viral infections, and others.

Dyah revealed, Clinical laboratory Cito already able to work on several autoimmune and rheumatic parameters, including ANA Immunofluorescence, ANA Profile, Ana Elisa, LE (Lupus Erythematosus) Cells, LE Tests, Anti Ds DNA, IgM/IgG ACA, IgM/IgG B2GPI, Anti CCP and many more . Furthermore, Dyah suggested, if you experience symptoms that are close to autoimmune characteristics, immediately consult a doctor.

“Laboratory Cito Klinik Clinic provides online doctor consultation services through the Ready doctor service. Reserve now at https://labcito.co.id/cvc/, wherever and whenever, our doctor is always ready for health consulting services,” said Dyah.

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