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Sweet and crunchy, these are the benefits of salak fruit for your health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Salak fruit has a crunchy and sweet taste when perfectly ripe. This is the benefit of salak fruit for the health of your body.

Salak fruit is one of the fruits that is easily found in Indonesia. Its distinctive taste and unique outer skin make the salak fruit quite popular.

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But behind it all, salak fruit contains a variety of nutrients that are good for the body. Do you already know about the various benefits of salak fruit?

Salak fruit is native to Indonesia which grows a lot in Java and Sumatra. Currently, the zalacca fruit has been widely cultivated in various countries, such as Malaysia, Australia, and others.

The famous and much-loved salak fruit, namely the salak pondoh fruit and the bali salak fruit.

Salak fruit has a shell similar to snake scales so it is often referred to as a snake fruit. The flesh of the salak fruit is white with a sweet and sour taste.

Inside the salak fruit, there are brown seeds that vary in size depending on the size of the fruit. Salak contains a myriad of nutrients that are important for the body, such as protein, iron, potassium, calcium, beta carotene, carbohydrates, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin C, and various antioxidants.

In addition, salak fruit is also considered to contain important elements, such as phenolic compounds and dietary fiber. These nutrients make salak fruit healthy and useful.

In 100 grams of salak fruit, it contains 82 calories, 4 percent fat, and 1 percent protein.

Benefits of salak fruit for health

Various nutrients contained in zalacca make it very suitable for regular consumption.

As for the benefits of salak fruit for health, including:

1. Good for eye health

Beta carotene as a strong antioxidant contained in salak fruit can help maintain eye health, including for people with nearsightedness.

In addition, salak fruit can reduce the risk of macular degeneration (chronic eye problem) and slow the development of cataracts with age.
The beta carotene content in salak fruit is five times more than that contained in mango and watermelon.

2. Helps lose weight

The high fiber and antioxidant content in salak fruit makes it good for consumption when dieting. The low calories in salak fruit can also help to lose weight.

Meanwhile, calcium and carbohydrates contained in salak fruit can provide the body with energy even though it is on a diet.

3. Improve body health

Salak fruit is a nutrient-dense fruit that helps improve overall body health. Salak fruit is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that can help maintain proper body function.

Meanwhile, the antioxidants in salak fruit are useful against cell and tissue damage.

4. Increase energy

Carbohydrates contained in salak fruit can provide energy throughout the day. In addition, salak fruit is believed to be able to increase stamina and stimulate metabolism thereby increasing energy in the body.

5. Maintain cardiovascular health

Salak fruit is rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure thereby reducing tension in blood vessels and arteries, and can maintain heart health.

The high amount of antioxidants and minerals in salak fruit can also maintain proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, and help regulate water in the body.

6. Against indigestion

Salak fruit is rich in fiber and vitamins that help relieve abdominal pain, irregular bowel movements, flatulence, diarrhea, and other digestive disorders. In addition, the bark contains compounds that can treat diarrhea.

7. Strengthen memory

The high content of potassium, beta carotene and pectin in salak fruit can increase blood flow to the brain. This can make the body’s cognitive function and memory improve.

Therefore, salak fruit is also known as the “memory fruit”. Not only that, the nutritional content in salak fruit can help relieve oxidative stress and prevent neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s).

8. Controlling blood sugar levels

The skin of the fruit, which is made into tea, can help regenerate cells in the pancreas that control blood sugar. In addition, salak also contains pterostilbene (blood glucose-lowering agent) which can control diabetes.
The high fiber content found in salak fruit is also very good for regulating blood sugar levels.

Even though zalacca contains carbohydrates, this fiber can prevent blood sugar spikes.

The various benefits of zalacca for health above still require further research to confirm their truth.

However, it doesn’t hurt to try to eat zalacca because of its various nutritional content.

Salak can be eaten directly or used as various preparations, such as sweets, pudding, fruit ice, pickles, salad, cakes, and others.

If you have a history of certain diseases or allergies, you should consult your doctor before consuming salak. This is done to determine whether you are allowed to consume bark or not.

If after consuming salak symptoms, such as rash, itching, dizziness, nausea, or even vomiting, you should stop consuming salak and consult a doctor. (Wisnubrata)

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This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “This Original Indonesian Fruit Is Believed To Have Many Benefits, Really?“,


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