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87% of cases are after the 2nd dose

The occurrence of myocarditis after the covid vaccine it has become one of the great enigmas for science. In recent months, numerous studies have pointed out its causes and have shown evidence that the 87 percent of patients with this pathology suffer after second dose. This conclusion is collected in the article ‘Systematic review and meta-analysis of World Reports of myocarditis after vaccination against Covid-19’.

In this document, 40 studies are analyzed where 147 cases of myocarditis are included. Of them, the 94 percent were men and 6 percent women. As the authors point out, the average age of those affected was around 29 years and 72 percent had received the vaccine Pfizer24 percent Modern and 3 percent other unspecified. This reinforces the theory that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines cause more heart inflammation than the rest.

“mRNA vaccines are associated with a increased risk of developing myocarditis that the viral vector vaccines such as Janssen, Oxford and Sinovac. Therefore, it is assumed that the generation of autoantibodies could attack the cardiac myocytes in response to the mRNA vaccine, which increases the risk,” they stress.

Myocarditis appears three days after the 2nd covid vaccine

Furthermore, the authors of this study noted that not only patients reported more myocarditis after the second dose of the vaccinebut the mean interval of appearance was three days. Specifically, those affected reported chest painmyalgia/body aches and fever as the most frequent symptoms.

However, 93 percent had a favorable evolution and recovered, only three died. In fact, the average length of hospital stay was five days, since the restoration of hemodynamic stability and the administration of treatment for heart failure and arrhythmias worked well in most of them. According to the study authors, all cases were treated with NSAIDsbeta blockers, calcium channel blockers and/or diuretics.

Another important finding is that myocarditis appears more in men than in women, according to the numerous studies carried out in this regard, this fact may be related to the variations of sex hormones. This is because the hormone testosterone It kills off anti-inflammatory immune cells while promoting more aggressive helper T cells.

“The mechanism of the vaccine-induced myocarditisbut may be related to the active pathogenic component of the vaccine and specific human proteins, which could create a immune cross-reactivity that would lead to an autoimmune disease, which is one of the causes of myocarditis,” they point out.

Assess heart condition before receiving covid vaccine

For all these reasons, the authors of this review consider that it should be assess heart condition of individuals before receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. In this way, it would be studied to offer a messenger RNA vaccine or another.

“The likelihood of developing myocarditis must be weighed against the substantial benefit of vaccination. In addition, further research is required to assess the long term consequences and other risk factors after immunization with such inoculations,” they conclude.

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