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8 Quick Ways to Reduce Fever in Babies Without Medication


Fever or heat in babies often causes concern for parents. Why not, babies who have a fever will generally tend to be more fussy and cry often due to the uncomfortable condition of their body. For this reason, parents will try to find ways to reduce their little one’s fever.

In conditions that are classified as normal and not serious, fever in babies usually lasts for 3-4 days. However, parents still need to deal with the symptoms. Here’s a quick way to reduce fever in babies without medication which can be done easily at home.

Causes of Heat in Babies

Quoted from Medical News Today, fever is a sign that the body’s immune system is fighting against infection. Several factors cause fever in babies, including post-immunization fever, viral or bacterial infection, sore throat, or being in a hot environment for too long.

Basically, fever in babies is not a dangerous thing. This is a natural response of the baby’s body to fight a disease. In cases of fever after immunization, this provides evidence that the baby’s immune system is starting to work well.

Fever in babies caused by several of the factors above generally does not require being taken to hospital. As long as the baby is still actively moving and willing to drink milk, there is no need to worry about this condition and you can treat it yourself at home without medication.

Symptoms of Heat in Babies

Quoted from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), a baby’s normal body temperature is 36.5-37 degrees Celsius. This temperature is indeed slightly higher than normal adults. That is why many parents think their baby has a fever just because their body temperature is slightly warmer to the touch.

To ensure that the baby really has a fever, you must measure the baby’s body temperature using a thermometer. If it shows more than 37.5°C, then the baby is considered to have a fever.

Don’t worry, you can actually treat fever in babies yourself at home. Here are 8 quick ways to reduce fever in babies without medication.

1. Compress the baby with warm water

Warm water compresses are considered to be able to help reduce fever in babies. Quoted from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, compresses are a first aid measure that can be used to treat fever. Please remember, compressing the baby with cold water is not recommended because it risks causing the baby to shiver.

How to compress a baby with warm water is quite easy, namely by soaking a clean cloth in warm water. After that, wring the cloth and place it on the baby’s forehead, armpits, neck and thighs for 10-15 minutes while he falls asleep. This is useful for releasing heat through the body’s pores.

2. Provide sufficient breast milk intake

When a baby has a fever, it is important for parents to keep the baby hydrated by giving him enough breast milk. Breast milk is also considered to help the baby’s body fight infections that cause fever. Quoted from a private hospital website, breast milk contains secretory IgA antibodies (sIgA) which are able to limit the entry of bacteria into the bloodstream.

3. Give warm food to babies

One way to quickly reduce fever in babies without medication is to give the baby warm food. Try giving your baby foods such as warm soup mixed with carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, sweet potatoes and broccoli. The composition of vegetables and protein in soup can meet the nutritional needs that babies need to fight disease.

It is important to know that this method applies to babies over 6 months old. If your baby is under 6 months old, you should only give your baby breast milk exclusively.

4. Bathing the Baby with Warm Water

The next way to quickly reduce fever in babies without medication is to bathe the baby in warm water. A warm bath can cause a baby’s body temperature to decrease when the water evaporates from his skin. Apart from that, as reported by Medical News Today, a warm bath can also help soothe the baby’s tired muscles.

5. Wear comfortable clothes for your baby

Thin and comfortable clothing will help the baby’s body temperature decrease naturally. Avoid wearing thick or layered clothes on your baby. This can cause the baby’s body heat to become increasingly trapped, making it difficult for the fever to subside.

6. Keeping the room temperature cool

Keeping the room temperature cool can protect the baby from hot temperatures which have the potential to worsen fever symptoms. You can use air conditioning or a low-speed fan. If you use a fan, make sure the air that comes out is not directed directly at the baby.

7. Make sure the baby gets enough rest

Fever in babies occurs because the body is trying to fight infection. Therefore, you need to ensure that your little one has enough rest and sleep time. Avoid inviting the baby to play outside the house until the baby’s body temperature begins to return to normal.

8. Carrying a Baby Kangaroo Style

Lastly, a quick way to reduce fever in babies without medication is to carry the baby Kangaroo style. Quoted from the Telogorejo Semarang College of Health Sciences (Stikes) website, kangaroo-style carrying aims to save premature babies from developing hypothermia.

This carrying method was discovered by Dr Héctor Martínez Gómez and Dr Edgar Rey in 1979. The principle of kangaroo-style carrying can maintain the baby’s body temperature through temperature transfer between the mother’s skin and the baby (skin to skin contact).

How to hold a baby kangaroo style, namely as follows:

Place the baby between the mother’s breasts in an upright position and the baby’s chest is against the mother’s chest. After that, the baby’s head can be turned to the right or left side, with a slightly upward position. The baby’s legs are bent slightly like a frog’s position. In a standing position, the mother’s body and the baby is tied with an elastic scarf or tank top to support the baby’s body so it doesn’t fall. Make sure that the cloth is tightly attached to the chest, not the stomach. Don’t tie it too tightly around the baby’s stomach, but around the mother’s epigastrium (solar plexus).

When to Take a Baby with a Fever to the Doctor?

Fever in babies is a condition that is classified as normal so there is no need to worry. However, immediately take your baby to the doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

fever that doesn’t subside for more than 4 days, no appetite, dry mouth, no tears when crying, looks lethargic, unresponsive, has a rash, diarrhea and vomiting, shortness of breath, convulsions.

It should be noted that how quickly or slowly a baby’s fever drops depends on many things, for example the cause. If the cause is simple, the fever can go down immediately, which is different if the fever is caused by a complex problem or a combination of several diseases. These are 8 quick ways to reduce fever in babies without medication. Hope it is useful.

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2023-10-25 11:00:29
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