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8 energy-boosting foods, one of which is popcorn: Okezone Lifestyle

ENERGY everyone really needs to be able to carry out daily activities. Energy can be obtained from various things, such as the type and amount of food consumed.

While all foods provide energy, there are some that help increase energy and maintain focus throughout the day.

Anything energy boosting food that? Here’s the complete list, as reported by the page Healthline.

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1. Bananas

Bananas are probably one of the best foods for boosting energy. Bananas are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B6. All of that can help increase the body’s energy.

2. Fatty fish

Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna are good sources of protein, fatty acids, and B vitamins. This makes it a great food to include in a food menu.

One serving of salmon or tuna provides the recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation, which is a common cause of fatigue.

Several studies have determined that taking omega-3 supplements can reduce fatigue, especially in cancer patients and those recovering from cancer.

In addition, vitamin B12 works with folate to produce red blood cells and helps iron work better in the body. Optimal levels of red blood cells and iron can reduce fatigue and increase energy levels.

3. Sweet potatoes

Apart from being delicious, sweet potatoes are a nutritious source of energy for those looking for an extra boost. One 100 gram serving of sweet potato can pack up to 25 grams of complex carbohydrates; 3.1 grams of fiber; 25 percent of the RDI for manganese; and 56.4 percent of the RDI for vitamins.

The content of fiber and complex carbohydrates makes the body digest sweet potatoes slower so that it can provide a stable energy supply.

Also read: Note, These 9 Foods Should Not Be Consumed on an Empty Stomach

4. Eggs

Eggs are not only a filling food, but also full of energy that can help carry out activities. Eggs are packed with protein which can provide the body with stable and sustainable energy. Additionally, leucine is the most abundant amino acid in eggs, and is known to stimulate energy production in several ways.

Leucine can help cells take in more blood sugar, stimulate energy production in cells, and increase the breakdown of fat for energy production. Moreover, eggs are rich in B vitamins. This vitamin helps enzymes carry out their role in the process of breaking down food for energy.

5. Call

Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world, and are a good source of carbohydrates and fiber. A medium apple (100 grams) contains approximately 14 grams of carbohydrates, 10 grams of sugar, and up to 2.1 grams of fiber.

Because they are rich in natural sugars and fiber, apples can provide a slow and sustained release of energy. In addition, apples are high in antioxidants.

Research has shown that antioxidants can slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, thereby releasing energy over a longer period of time. It is advisable to eat whole apples to get the benefits of fiber from the skin.

6. Popcorn

Popcorn makes an excellent low-calorie and energy snack. It’s high in carbohydrates and fiber which makes it very filling and a good choice for an energy boosting snack.

One serving of popcorn (8 grams) of popcorn provides fiber and carbohydrates, providing a steady release of energy. Popcorn can be a healthy food when cooked with healthy ingredients using the air-pop cooking method.

Popcorn. (Foto: Anncapictures/Pixabay)

Also read: Not Make Satiety, These 10 Foods That Make You More Hungry

7. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has a higher cocoa content than regular chocolate or milk chocolate. The antioxidants in cocoa have been shown to have many health benefits, such as increasing blood flow throughout the body.

This effect aids in the delivery of oxygen to the brain and muscles which improves their function. This can be of great help during exercise. Additionally, the increased blood flow generated by the antioxidants in cocoa can help reduce mental fatigue and improve mood.

Dark chocolate also contains stimulating compounds, such as theobromine and caffeine, which have been shown to increase mental energy and mood.

8. Edamame or Japanese soybeans

Edamame beans can be a filling snack. It is relatively low in calories but offers a lot of protein, carbohydrates and fiber. One cup of edamame beans can pack up to 27 grams of protein, 21 grams of carbohydrates, and approximately 12 grams of fiber.

Additionally, edamame has high amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid and manganese, which can help increase energy in various ways.

Folic acid works with iron to increase energy and fight fatigue and anemia. While manganese helps produce energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins.

Edamame beans also contain high amounts of molybdenum, a mineral that acts as a stimulus for enzymes and aids in the breakdown of nutrients for energy.

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