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7 Reasons Why Asparagus Should Be Part of Your Weekly Diet

    Home Lifestyle 7 reasons why it is recommended to eat asparagus more often

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Asparagus is one of the vegetables that should not be missing from your spring menu. Most of the time you can find green asparagus in the store, but there are also white or purple ones. Not only is it very versatile, but it is also very healthy. Discover 7 reasons why it is recommended to eat asparagus more often. Why nutritionists recommend it.

Cristina Catana

Published: 13 February 2024, 04:12

If you need reasons to eat asparagus, you need to know that it has very few calories / Shutterstock

The strong taste of asparagus is not to everyone’s taste, but it should be tried for its health benefits. It has very few calories and lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

I made a list of the main 7 reasons why you should introduce asparagus to your menu at least once a week.

Reasons why it is recommended to eat asparagus more often

Asparagus has a lot of health benefits. It is especially recommended for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. It is important to include it in your diet if you want to enjoy its health benefits

Asparagus is high in nutrients and low in calories

Asparagus can be a perfect side dish for any type of meat. You can eat it in fairly large quantities without worrying about how many calories it brings you. 100 grams of asparagus have only 20 calories.

Among the vitamins that asparagus brings to the body, vitamin K stands out, which supports the health of the bone and cardiovascular system, and vitamin B9 (folic acid), which is especially important for pregnant women.

Asparagus also contains iron, zinc and vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin A and vitamin C.

Nutrient Amount Calories 26 kcal Carbohydrates 5.2 g Fiber 2.8 g Protein 3 g Calcium 32.2 mg Iron 2.9 mg Magnesium 18.8 mg Phosphorus 69.7 mg Potassium 271 mg Zinc 0.7 mg Manganese 0.2 mg Kaolin 21.4 mg Selenium 3 mcg Vitamin C 7.5 mg Folic acid 69.7 mcg Vitamin E 1.5 mg Vitamin K 55.7 mcg Vitamin A 50.9 mcg Nutritional values ​​for 100 g of asparagus *Sursa: Medical News Today

It is a good source of antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that help protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. They contribute to increasing the level of inflammation in the body that is responsible for many diseases, including cancer.

Asparagus, like all green vegetables, is rich in antioxidants. It contains vitamins E and C, but also glutathione, which contributes to the detoxification of the liver. In addition, it also brings polyphenols and flavonoids into the body, the most important of which are quercitin, isoramnetin and kaempferol.

Numerous studies have proven that all these substances have a substantial role in reducing blood pressure, are anti-inflammatory, antiviral and can reduce the incidence of various types of cancer.

Purple asparagus contains a powerful pigment, anthocyanin, which is also a valuable antioxidant for health. It has effects especially in the health of the heart, reducing the risk of heart attack.

Improves the health of the digestive system

Asparagus contains a large amount of fiber. Only 100 g provides an intake of 1.8 grams, which represents 7% of an adult’s daily requirement.

Fibers not only have a positive role on the digestive system, but also reduce the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. In particular, asparagus contains insoluble fiber, which helps in faster transit.

It also contains soluble fiber that dissolves in the stomach and turns into a kind of gel that protects the digestive tract.

A healthy digestive system supports the immune system and helps increase the production of vitamin B12 and vitamin K.

It is beneficial for pregnant women

Asparagus is an excellent source of folic acid (vitamin B9). Only 100 g provides 34% of the daily requirement of an adult and 22% of that of a pregnant woman.

Folic acid can prevent fetal neural tube defects, extremely serious malformations, the most common being spina bifida and anancephaly. The neural tube develops in the first 28 days after conception, even before the pregnancy is confirmed.

Not only asparagus is a good source of folic acid, but also all other green leafy vegetables, so it is important to include them in your diet.

It helps lower blood pressure

High blood pressure affects 1.3 million people annually and is the main risk factor for heart attacks.

Research shows that diets high in potassium and reducing salt intake play an important role in lowering blood pressure. Potassium works by relaxing blood vessels and removing excess sodium from the body through urine.

Asparagus is a good source of potassium, 100 grams providing 6% of an adult’s daily requirement.

Regulates body weight

Asparagus has 94% water in its composition, being very low in calories. If it is introduced into the diet along with other healthy foods it can help control weight.

Not only the low calorie content is beneficial for weight, but also the fiber that regulates intestinal transit.

It is very versatile

Asparagus is not only rich in nutrients, but also delicious and easy to integrate into almost any menu.

It can be grilled, boiled, steamed, baked or sautéed. You can also buy canned asparagus that no longer needs heat treatment. Asparagus goes well with any kind of meat, it’s delicious in omelets or with pasta.

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2024-02-13 02:13:45
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