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7 of the strangest sharks identified by world-renowned university scientists

Jakarta – Researchers from various world-renowned universities found various species shark with a strange shape. In fact, some of the top predators in the marine food chain are born without skin or teeth.

Sharks are vertebrate animals, which have a backbone even though they are classified as fish. Sharks also have large, triangular fins on their backs. This fin will appear when it comes close to the surface of the water.

However, there are many species of sharks found in the oceans. Some of them have strange and creepy shapes. Here are the strangest sharks found by researchers from the world’s leading universities:

1. Skinless blackmouth catshark

Skinless blackmouth catshark, one of the strangest sharks identified. Photo: Live Science–

Skinless blackmouth catshark merupakan the weirdest shark ever found. This species has the odd condition of having no skin or teeth. This shark was caught by fishermen. Measures about 2 feet 4 inches or 70 cm long.

Biologists from the University of Cagliari in Sardinia had thought that the shark could not survive.

“Our first reaction was, ‘A skinless shark cannot survive,'” Antonello Heartburn told Live Science. “But, as Shakespeare said, there is more in heaven and on Earth than you can imagine,” he added.

2. Viper dogfish

Viper dogfish, the strangest shark with protruding jaws.Viper dogfish, the strangest shark with protruding jaws. Photo: Live Science–

The Viper dogfish was first caught in the sea of ​​southern Japan in 1986. This shark has a similar protruding jaw with uneven teeth. The shape is what makes the Viper shark look scary.

In addition to the odd jaw shape, the Dogfish Viper also has organs that appear to emit light, candle holders which lines the underside of this shark. This strange shark only grows between 7 and 21 inches or about 18-53 cm.

Researchers from the University of Tokyo, Kenji Mochizuki and Fumio Ohe, described it as a new species and genus. These findings were published in Japanese Journal of Ichthyology.

3. Goblin sharks

Goblin sharks, strange sharks that have a snout and a purplish pink color.Goblin sharks, strange sharks that have a snout and a purplish pink color. Photo: Florida Museum–

Shark with another strange form is the Goblin shark or Mitsukurina owstoni. The Goblin Shark has sharp, prominent teeth and a long, purplish-pink snout.

Reporting from the University of Florida Museum, the Goblin shark was first identified in 1898 by an American Ichthyologist or fish researcher who is also President of Stanford University, David Starr Jordan, as Mitsukurina. This genus has been synonymous with fossil Scapanorhynchus described by Woodward, 1889.

The relationship between the two genera is much debated. Currently, family Mitsukurina including Mitsukurina owstoni and fossil species Scapanorhynchus and Anomotodon.

4. Cookiecutter sharks

Cookiecutter sharksCookiecutter sharks Foto: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Marine Vertebrate Collection

Cookiecutter shark has a body that is not too large with a length of about 50 cm. However, they are known for their strong bite. Using their round, toothed jaws, these sharks sometimes bite creatures much larger than themselves, including the great white shark. A new study led by Aaron Carlisle of the University of Delaware has uncovered the potential diet and habitat of these Cookiecutter sharks.

The researchers found that although shark these can eat everything they can in the upper oceans to supplement their diet, they still eat small creatures where they share a habitat, such as crustaceans, squid and small fish, reported from ScienceDaily.

Next up is the shark that has tassels >>>

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