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7 Cholesterol Lowering Vegetables, Must Have at Home!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia It is very important to maintain cholesterol levels because it can be a serious threat to the body. Uncontrolled cholesterol can lead to heart disease. In addition, indiscriminate eating patterns or eating large portions can also increase the risk of cholesterol buildup.

If you want to avoid high levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream, it is mandatory to eat fibrous foods such as vegetables. Increasing vegetable intake should not be difficult because Indonesians generally like to eat vegetables as fresh vegetables.

Cholesterol Lowering Vegetables

Cholesterol-lowering vegetables are very easy to find on the market. Then what vegetables can be used as vegetables to lower cholesterol?

1. Beans

Beans have a slightly sweet taste with a crunchy texture, making them suitable for salads. Not just fresh vegetables, chickpeas can be stocked in the refrigerator as a cholesterol-lowering agent because they have a high fiber content.

2. Cabbage or Cabbage

Cabbage or cabbage is also the same as beans. Cabbage has high fiber so it is good for digestion and metabolism in the body. This one vegetable is suitable to be used as a cholesterol-lowering salad because it contains the active ingredients of sulforaphane, iberine, histidine and cyanohydroxy butene (CBH).

3. Eggplant Lalapan or Thai Eggplant

Eggplant or Thai eggplant we often encounter in the market to restaurants. However, not many know that this fresh eggplant has excellent benefits to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. In Thailand itself, eggplant is often used as an ingredient in traditional medicine, because it can increase HDL or good cholesterol.

4. Water Lettuce

Watercress has a nice and fresh taste. This vegetable is often served as fresh vegetables in Sundanese food. Besides being able to be used as a cholesterol-lowering vegetable, watercress which contains gluconasturtin can also fight the development of cancer cells. The content of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin A in it is very good for maintaining a healthy body and can help reduce weight.

5. Kecipir

If you are a vegetable lover, you must have met the winged bean. Vegetables that are often served as fresh vegetables contain natural antioxidants and vitamin E which are good for the body’s metabolism, including maintaining cholesterol levels in the body.

6. Kale or Curly Cabbage

Kale or curly cabbage is a cholesterol-lowering salad that you must have at home to help control cholesterol levels and help lower them. Curly cabbage has lots of vitamins and is high in lutein (xanthophyll) which can lower cholesterol by stopping its buildup in the body.

7. Takokak

Takokak is often equated with fresh vegetables. Though both are different even though they are similar. Although it tastes a bit bitter and harsh in the mouth, it turns out that this plant, which is still a relative of eggplant, contains many benefits for the body.

The content of campesterol sterols in it can be anti-inflammatory. In addition, takokak also contains 750 IU of vitamin A and 80 mg/100 g of vitamin C which if consumed in accordance with the portion (not excessive) can help stabilize cholesterol levels in the blood.

That’s the cholesterol-lowering vegetables that you must always have at home. Which vegetables do your family like the most?

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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