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6 things that happen to Miss V if you haven’t made love for a long time, will you be ‘narrow’ again?


Sex has many benefits for the body. From getting better sleep, stronger immune system, burning calories, to improving the mood of both partners. Therefore, couples usually devise ways to get quality sex moments.

But often, busyness becomes one of the obstacles for couples to make love. Differences in activities and routines are often the reason couples rarely have sex. Not only is it at risk of affecting the closeness of the couple’s relationship, this can also have an impact on the physical, especially the intimate organs of the body such as the vagina.

Quoted from Self, here are 6 things that can happen to the vagina if you stop having sex. Anything?

1. Vagina tight back, myth or fact?

Taking a break from sex does not tighten the pelvic floor, ‘tighten’ the vagina, or cause the hymen to reappear. If you feel as if your vagina is tighter after you stop having sex, it could be related to tension or a lack of comfort and arousal.

“If you’re a little nervous, take your time, use lube, and wait until your arousal level is high before putting anything in,” says Dr. Jess, Astroglide’s resident sexologist.

2. It Takes a Long Time to Reach Orgasm

Even though it takes a little longer to reach orgasm, that doesn’t mean giving up sex is a bad idea. The solution is to re-introduce the body with the sensation of orgasm if it decides to engage in sexual activity.

“Because parts of the brain (lateral orbitofrontal cortex) shut down during the orgasmic response, a willingness to give in to sexual sensations is necessary for orgasm in most cases,” says Dr. Jess.

3. Changes in sexual response

If you stop all sexual activity including masturbation and vibrators, maybe changes can occur. But this is only temporary in sexual response.

Researchers showed vibrator use scored higher on the female sexual function index which includes desire, interest, lubrication, arousal, satisfaction, and orgasm. This correlation suggests changes in sexual habits can be temporary.

4. May experience changes in premenstrual symptoms

If you stay away from all types of sexual activity including masturbation, you may experience cramps more than usual. Because, orgasm has a palliative effect on the body and can relieve pain and tension.

5. The vagina becomes a little smaller

According to Dr. Drai, an expert on obstetrics and women’s health at Astroglide, many women complain about painful sex as soon as they start having sex again after a long time of not doing it.

Anxiety is the cause of pain when starting sex. Make sure your partner does foreplay before having intercourse, this can help relax the body.

6. Vagina feels dry

Sexual arousal helps make the vagina wetter. Due to a lack of sex, this can lead to a lack of lubrication. Be sure to add a little lube and warm up before sex.

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