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6 good reasons to try (organic) tea this winter

Isn’t theine or herbal tea really your cup of tea? Incorporating this hot drink into your daily life, however, has more than comforting virtues. And in winter, the benefits of tea (organic, if possible) become essential! Gradual toning, better resistance to cold and disease, keeping a healthy mouth and skin… we tell you all about tea (and our favorite flavors).

1 – tea helps you fight against the cold

Our immune system is put to the test during the winter period. A natural source of antioxidants, tea allows us to strengthen our immune system. His antioxidants, as well as its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help us fight against the cold. But also to prevent sore throats, and certain viruses such as flu and colds!

Against bacteria and viruses, choose white tea or ginger teas, which will effectively prevent the onset of a cold or sinusitis. If ginger may surprise at first glance, it turns out delicious: tested & approved! One of the good things about tea is its multitude of flavors. To get started, you can turn to the French brand of organic teas Kusmi Tea, that offer enough choices to appeal to everyone.

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2 – It helps you purify your skin

With the dry winter winds, our skin tends to become drier and more sensitive. For avoid cracks, better heal and purify your skin, drink tea with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties will be a great friend for the season. Also, beautiful skin is skin that is sufficiently hydrated.

As he is advised to drink 1.5 liters of water per day, you might as well drink tea, to add flavor and health benefits! To strengthen your facial treatment, you can also concoct a natural mask from tea leaves.

3 – tea (green) helps you keep a healthy mouth

And yes ! Tea helps strengthen your oral health. The preferred tea to treat your mouth is green tea, rich in polyphenols (antioxidants called catechins). A timeless, delicious especially in the morning at breakfast : our favorite! Today, more and more studies are trying to demonstrate the interest of catechin and its derivatives in the fight against cancers of the oral cavity, as well as the fight against cavities.

These components of green tea contribute to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth. These same bacteria are also responsible for bad breath and the formation of dental plaque. With a good cup of green tea every day, we help strengthen our tooth enamel, and our teeth are healthier and more beautiful. Also, this drink reduces the risk of losing your teeth as you age, at all good!

4 – It’s good for your bones

Tea helps strengthen your bones. If your diet is too acidic and contains too much protein, and not enough vegetables, your body will collect minerals (calcium) from your bones. As a result, your bones are weakened. The tea will then fight against this fragility of the skeleton, in particular green tea. Black tea also helps slow the development of osteoporosis.

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5 – Caffeine / theine: invigorating virtues

If tea and coffee contain the same molecule (called theine in tea and caffeine in coffee), it acts differently on our body. Caffeine suddenly diffuses into the blood, and disappears just as quickly, two hours later. While the theine diffuses and goes away more gradually in your body, it can stimulate you for several hours!

Also, tea makes you less nervous than coffee. Indeed, there is a large amount of amino acid called theanine, in tea leaves. With its relaxing virtues, we naturally fight against stress and anxiety, while feeling a boost of energy that will boost our concentration.

6 – It is ideal for getting ready or recovering from the holidays

Each year the holiday season plays with our stomachs. How can you resist generous Christmas and New Year’s meals? We can’t really. Fortunately, tea naturally promotes the digestion of food. Thanks to its polyphenols (again and again these famous antioxidants!), The tea aids our digestion. They reduce the absorption of fat from the intestine, which makes meals less heavy, and therefore easier to digest.

In addition, these antioxidants lower cholesterol levels and lower blood sugar levels. This is particularly interesting for people at high risk for diabetes. So in case of bloating, have a good cup of tea! We advise you Rooibos, which burns fat while helping to fall asleep.

And you, what are your favorite (organic) teas? Come and talk about it on our forums.

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