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6 Food Prohibition If You Have Gastric Acid Disease

SahijabStomach acid disease can make the sufferer pain in the stomach, and especially when eating certain foods. There are some food taboos for stomach acid sufferer, so that if consumed can make it recur and feel very torturous.

Acid reflux disease should not occur regularly, and if it does, then you may have gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Whatever the diagnosis, acid reflux almost always feels worse after eating certain foods and drinks.

Quoted Sahijab from ExpressThere are some foods and drinks that should be avoided if you regularly feel stomach acid rising. Some should be limited, while others should be completely avoided to reduce the increase in stomach acid.

Also Read: How to Consume Dates for Stomach Acid and its Benefits

1. Alcohol

Islam forbids alcohol, because it does more harm than good. You should completely avoid them, including from processed traditional fermented foods and drinks that may contain alcohol.

Alcohol has been shown to relax lower esophageal symptoms, which can trigger excessive heartburn. In addition, studies have shown that alcohol can actually increase the amount of stomach acid in the body.

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